having worked as a Taco Bell cashier in a college town for a year, i am fluent in Dumbcuntese, and can tell that what she's trying to ask for is whatever Taco Bell sells as a side item instead of french fries (i.e. KFC sells potato wedges instead of french fries). she was just too stupd, too easily offended, and too easily flustered to get it out coherently. and she literally expected it to be basically the same thing as french fries just called something else, again probably like KFC, but yeah it's fucking Taco Bell ugh.
she's still a horrible dumb bitch and i hate her but i could have at least gotten her through my line as a paying customer instead of a viral video walkout lol
also, this taco bell cashier sucks at being a taco bell cashier if they couldn't get one drunk girl through their line lol.
i woulda just rang her up for a Cheesy Fiesta Potato and made a customer for life after she ate the most delicious $1 potato dish of her life.