On a streak of like the last half dozen fast food trips being terrible. Not just meh, but instantly regrettably. Feels bad, man.
Taco Bell cold with chewy tortillas. DQ chicken strips looked like BK chicken fries they were so scrawny. Wendy's spicy chicken looked smaller and was bland. Carl's Jr new chicken sando was gross and rubbery.
Fast food was always a somewhat rare guilty pleasure, but just feeling guilty now wasting money on this dogshit. Our economy/country really is in a bad state if we can't get fast food right anymore.
Last good fast food was months ago out of town getting Chic FIL A. McD still pretty consistently edible if not very average, at least. Thankfully are some good food trucks and hole in the wall places to get my fix when I don't want to cook.
Chic-Fil-A will never let you down, and if they do they would fellate your nutsack with a apologizes and my pleasures until they made it right 10x over.

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