Ok, so, a coworker wanted Taco Bell the other day, so I ordered one of the 'grilled cheese burrito deluxe' boxes.
I'm...not really a fan. I'm not even sure what they 'grilled' it with (Vegetable oil? Butter? Chinese gutter oil?) but it was fucking everywhere. They wrap it in the wax paper, and then wrap it in a foil wrap, so they have to know how fucking greasy this thing is.
So that was my #1 complaint. Every bite I took had a bit of this oil/grease on it, and I can't say that it tasted very good.
Maybe it was just a failure at this specific Taco Bell? No idea.
The other thing was...there was just too much...everything. Like, if I was drunk, it probably would have been the best thing ever. But this was like the sort of thing a teenager dreams up, that would honestly have been better off with 1 or 2 fewer ingredients. But if you just want 'ton of random gooey shit stuffed into a tortilla' then this just might be your jam
I know I'm walking straight into supertaster territory, but IDGAF.
If I order it again, I'll make sure to be drunk for a drunk review LOL