So I go to Freddy's yesterday(real similar to Steak & Shake, for those unfamiliar) and get a turtle concrete with my meal, for later. Get home, throw it in the freezer, forget about it.
Bust it out later that night, and my turtle concrete which is supposed to be vanilla custard, hot fudge, hot caramel, + pecans, literally has no custard. The entire large cup is just chocoalte and caramel syrup + pecans, and had frozen into a brick-like form.
And while a huge cup of nothing but chocolate, caramel, and pecans sounds awesome, I took about 2 bites of it and it was so goddamn sweet I think I instantly got diabetes.
Now I need to go to the store, buy a tub of vanilla ice cream, and use this damn cup of toppings to make my own turtle sundaes.