Again, this isn't really about range... it's about agility and accuracy. I've met plenty of bass singers that can sing higher notes than a lot of sopranos but they are useless in that range for anything with speed + leaps.
The difference between what you hear at 4:20 in that weird Russian striptease video and 3:53 in the Jane Zhang recording is, the first is ripped from the movie (it's vocoded flute or oboe) and the latter is a human trying to replicate the effect. Different mechanics at play. If you need to produce a new note on a flute you lift or press down a few fingers; it's near instantaneous and you can anticipate to counter most of the delay. The mechanical equivalent for voice is squeezing or relaxing grip on a giant water bottle while blowing across the top, ie. many muscles at play that have to land perfectly in place.
This is getting way off topic so I'll just say;
1) The Fifth Element is awesome.
2) I don't get Cara Delevigne. She's in everything (sci-fi, fantasy shows, comic book movies, Fiona Apple songs) and she serves no purpose. Why are people fascinated by English women with thick eyebrows?