all the sqeenix shit is on sale in steam
bought FF5 as I only have the psx CD version, and god knows where the CD is.
Is the "refreshed" 6 worth it for the smoothed out sprites? Also is ff4 the after years forth 8$ when all the others ate 8$
- edit: never finished 5 or 3...
all the sqeenix shit is on sale in steam
bought FF5 as I only have the psx CD version, and god knows where the CD is.
Is the "refreshed" 6 worth it for the smoothed out sprites? Also is ff4 the after years forth 8$ when all the others ate 8$
- edit: never finished 5 or 3...
Man, I am about 6 quests into FFXV and I can't get over how bad this combat is. Does it get better or do you just hold down a button for basically the entire game?
The combat is about the best thing in the game so if it's not something you enjoy I'd just shelve it now. There are some nuances once you upgrade some spots in the ascension skill tree or swap to other weapons, but it's pretty basic.
Re: FF4 versions
I do not know how to explain this... the orig snes or 16bit variant of FF4, it felt "big" it felt epic... the 3d version felt "small" - its hard to say...its literally a visual thing - the SNES version is "zoomed out" while the 3d is zoomed in more- even battles - when you see fucking giant ass golbez or the fire guy etc etc and your little tiny sprite...
I think it was around the place where there was one big kingdom and two small city's outside it and it all was surrounded by a big wall... I think there I just forgot what I was suppose to do