Originally was going to be a pivot from the DC extended Universe (DCEU) aka the "Snyderverse" (he had quit due to family thing that happened way back when this movie was first getting story boarded) to new DCU. This new DCU was going to be woke garbage passing the torch from old white man version of batman (michael keaton) and superman (Henry Cavil) to bat girl and super girl running the show. For the record the batgirl film was so fucking terrible they literally just tossed it mid shoot. That's why this film had Michael Keaton and supergirl in it and that's what the original ending resulted in, a pivot from DCEU to the DCU with opportunity to keep some of the original DCEU stars around and recast others.
Then the WB Discovery merger happens and the woke retards in charge are immediately fired, batgirl gets canned, and a temporary staff is put in place to run DC while they search for the DC version of Kevin Feige to run a cohesive movie/tv/etc universe. The temporary president of DC reshoots the ending to leave it ambiguous, with not only Keaton and supergirl but also Cavil's superman and the rest of the snyder characters still around (ie not erased). This happened/reshoots done around the time of the press tours for Black Adam and all the Rock shit happening with Henry Cavil.
Then WB Discovery hires James Gunn and the other producer guy to run DC, and he immediately axes all of the DCEU/DCU etc and makes all of them deadends/non-canon. As a Joke they shoot a 3rd ending with the george clooney batman at the end. Officially none of these DC movies are part of shit, they are all just dead ends.
The first character of the new DCU is blue beetle, the first movie (being written and directed by Gunn) is the new Superman: legacy or whatever its called.
none of this shit matters.
edit: once again dogcumeater Ossoi is wrong yet again.
Good to see you finally admit I was right about the DCU. now

none of these movies take place in the Gunn DCU so why the fuck would Gunn have tried to put his actors in the ending? you stupid fuck. don't forget to kill yourself in real life.