Got to this. This is... weird. its not the worst DCU movie. but man it has so many problems.
terrible cgi is first. weird running animation..
Unlikeable Barry is second. FFS, this isn't Barry Allen. why would anyone make this character choice? (they can't just make his mom mexican to reflect the mad goose wizard, but she ahs to be sitting there speaking spanish, and listening to spanish as well..)
plot problems. being part of the DCU hurts it SO much. if this was a fully solo project, it would have been much better. They should have established its not the DCU right from the get go, so any damage doesn't have to spill out into other movies. it would have softened so much of the blow.
the flashpoint comic storyline has a lot of problems from the get go. the best parts of the comic aren't even in this version... But the CORE problem, where BARRY murders trillions of people, repeatedly when creating new timelines, and its all his fault, and done intentionally, is repeated here.. ffs, if you are going to redo this story, at LEAST fix that problem. Barry as a character was ruined by Flashpoint. hes now murdered more people then every DC supervillain combined. He unmade all his friends. those babies at the beginning? all dead by barrys hands. This needed to be fixed. it was an accident, he was tricked, Eobard interfered, etc.
the comedy was bit hit and miss. tone was all over. some of the comedy was ok, but then its mixed with, the reality of everyone dying. time getting rewritten. horrible fates for everyone. kara being killed, batman 2 being killed. that entire earth being killed horribly. etc..
zod should have bodied kara harder. clark could match zod due to having been acclimated to Earths sun longer. kara got her powers after Zod, and friends arrived..
Should have showed off the Flash better. bodying kryptonians, sending them into orbit. outracing them. Have Faora doing her superspeed, and Flash doing to her what she was doing to humans. Clark caught him off guard, he knew he had to go even faster here now. part of the issue with making the Flash such a loser, is they can't have him be badass.
the flash tag team would have been ok, if it was Eobard, not really a younger Barry. teaming up with his hero would have meant something.
I'd have had the flash help kara beat zod. Really show off what he's capable of.
we do still need to get to the point the world is going to go bad and can't be saved. I would have had Atlantis/Amazon war come in at this point. Zod is beaten.. however the Kryptonian attack prompts Atlantis, and Amazon's to attack humanity and each other, and try to claim the Kryptonian prisoners. Either things to to hell fast, or we time skip. this world war prompts Barry to go back and prevent it. And this is where Eobard reveals himself. "we are best friends here! I can't let you change it!"
4/10 maybe. would not actually recommend to anyone.