Just watched it, was an awesome episode. Flash, Zoom, Grodd and Firestorm all in the same episode. The special effects are outstanding for a CW budget.Good episode, CW is killing it. The costumes and special effects are amazing for a TV show
I'm not sure Eiling was fed to Grodd, and it will be interesting to see if he turns into The Shaggy Man, who is more powerful than all of them combined. In the comics, he turns meta.christ, that was so awesome in the last half. wells is evil, make no mistake about that. you dont feed someone to a giant evil gorilla and have your status as a good guy remain intact. even an anti hero would never do that. i knew as soon as Gen Kurgan mentioned he knew barry was The Flash that wells was going to deal with him, i never expected it like that though.
He mentioned that his power would come and go and that the suit charging was just a temporary fix until his master plan came together.It would have to be very convoluted for Wells to not be a villain, but it's possible. They've said he's the only reverse flash, but they could be outright lying, or there could be another version of Wells. It's also really unclear how his powers work. At the end of episode 11 it shows him using the tachyon technology to charge up the yellow suit, but at the beginning of the episode it shows him being capable of superspeed without it
They aren't the only network pulling these shenanigans. I personally think that this is the networks effectively saying "So, you're just gonna DVR this and watch it whenever? And skip the commercials? Well how about we start making a single season take most of a year and be broken up so that your precious DVR's dry up with no new content? How about DEM APPLES?"Okay its the last Tuesday of sweeps and instead of showing a new episode of The Flash they are leading with a special about TV commercials and then airing a rerun? What moron is in charge of programming at the CW? Sure I can understand going into reruns for March due to local and national basketball tourney coverage, but then again they are coming back with new episodes right as the actual March Madness begins...
Just seems very odd.