The Flash


<Gold Donor>
eobard does like barry, in fact he liked future barry too, he only turned into his enemy because his wife died and he begged barry to go back in time and save her and barry refused. so eobard broke into the flash museum, stole barry's stuff (pc, suit,ring etc) and "reverse" engineered everything to make himself into a speedster so he could go back in time and kill barry, he relized he couldnt kill him so he killed his mom so he could suffer a tragic loss so later on he would save eobard's wife. or something like that. it threw a monkey wrench into things when barry still let his mom die
This is some comic book logic right here. If you're going to go through all of this effort to be able to time travel yourself, why not just save your wife yourself instead of kill Barry's mom so that maybe he does it?


Millie's Staff Member
This is some comic book logic right here. If you're going to go through all of this effort to be able to time travel yourself, why not just save your wife yourself instead of kill Barry's mom so that maybe he does it?
man, i dunno, i think it has something to do with the speed force and how rf uses barry's natural speed force or he has to manufacture his own which is very hard to do. maybe he can only travel to barry's timeline because he followed barry back in time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Isnt that two different story lines? I dont think that happens, wasnt it Zolomon or something that got pissed because he wouldnt save his wife/Mother?

Edit - you're mixing two stories here is Hunter zolomon AKA Zoom

Hunter was severely injured in an attack by Gorilla Grodd in Iron Heights, when Grodd staged a mass prison break, and was left paralyzed from the waist down. He asked Wally West to use the time-traveling cosmic treadmill in the Flash Museum to prevent this from occurring, but West refused, saying that he could not risk damaging the timestream. Zolomon, feeling that Wally should be prepared to disregard such fears for the sake of their friendship, then broke into the museum and attempted to use the treadmill himself. The resulting explosion destroyed the museum and shifted Hunter's connection to time - described by Jay Garrick as him being 'derailed' from the timeline by the explosion - thus allowing Zolomon to alter the speed at which he could move in time, giving him the effect of superspeed.

Zolomon decided that West had refused to help because, unlike the previous Flash Barry Allen, West had never suffered personal tragedy, and thus did not understand how terrible it could be. Zolomon decided that if he became the new Zoom and caused a great tragedy in Wally's life, this would help the Flash become a better hero
Eobard Thawne AKA Professor Zoom for the Flashpoint story line

Zoom reveals that his body is permanently connected to the Speed Force, enabling him to create the negative version of it, with which he escaped prison. He was unable to alter Barry's becoming the Flash, as that would erase Zoom himself from existence. Zoom decides instead to ruin Barry's life by during childhood, removing Barry's best friend from existence to result in greater introversion on Barry's part, and various other torments such as killing his mother.Zoom reveals to Barry that the new timeline was created by Barry himself going back in time to stop Professor Zoom from killing his mother.
Quit confusing people astro!


Ssraeszha Raider
The show's been too inconsistent in regards to the effects of time travel to try and make sense of any of it.


Golden Squire
Yeah but what about all the other people he saved because he wasn't busy saving the first group of people? I mean barry wouldn't all of a sudden be a bad guy just because he had 2 parents at home. If he was, eobard probably would have liked him.
The Flash was initially Professor Zoom's hero, he studied everything he could about him and the speed force (hence the nickname Professor Zoom) and wanted to become the Flash of his era.

This is where things get screwy because his future evil self creates a better life for his younger self. Young Eobard breaks into the Flash museum to steal some Flash stuff and his younger brother arrests him, his older self goes back to before his brother was born and offs his parents. He does well in college until some fat dude who knows more about the Flash does comes along and takes his position and belittles him so his older self goes back and takes him out in advance. There's also something about him being born normally but then going back and making himself more genetically engineered for a high IQ but I can't remember.

Anyway he ends up being able to access the speed force and travels back in time to meet his hero but undershoots and ends up at a later date where he finds an article in which he learns Barry Allen and he are enemies and that Barry will one day kill him. This makes him go insane and he just goes all out to make things as bad for the Flash as possible whereby ensuring his own shitty future. He just kills Barry's mother because he can't kill Barry without effecting himself.

I liked that they kind of hinted at this version in the last episode and all the way through the show really, Eobard loves the Flash and despises him at the same time. I liked in the finale that he didn't want to go into the reasons why he was like he was with Barry, I hope they go through it in the next season.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I liked that they kind of hinted at this version in the last episode and all the way through the show really, Eobard loves the Flash and despises him at the same time. I liked in the finale that he didn't want to go into the reasons why he was like he was with Barry, I hope they go through it in the next season.
I don't think they hinted at that at all. His thing with Barry is that all that time spent working with Barry, helping him become the Flash, forged a connection between the two. So yeah, he does love young Barry a bit, but that love is nothing before his hatred for the Flash and his desire to return to his own time. It's the same as his speech to Cisco.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The title of that article is pretty funny because comic book Flash is actually probably the single worst DC hero there is. He/the speed force has suffered from such an appalling amount of power creep over the years that it puts golden age 'towing a string of planets on a chain across the intergalactic gulf' Superman to shame.

Flash in limited media like Justice League, Flashpoint, and The Flash is an entirely different hero from the 'infinite mass punch' speed force can accomplish anything hero of the comic books.


El Presidente
Feels weird having no Tuesday shows now. All the good shit is on Sundays!

Comic Flash OPness is lame as fuck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They can do whatever but is there stories where killer frost is good? I guess if Captain cold is now going to be good why not KF on shit like Suicide Squad or whatever


Mr. Poopybutthole
They can do whatever but is there stories where killer frost is good? I guess if Captain cold is now going to be good why not KF on shit like Suicide Squad or whatever
The latest version of killer frost in the comics is apparently somewhere in between anti hero and villain, but she's been a full on villain in every other incarnation.


Obviously Panabaker wont be part of the team much longer but when I read Flash is getting a Felicity I got bummed. That character is terrible and Isis is already retarded enough.
The Flash Is Looking To Cast Its Own Felicity Smoak |
comicbook.com_sl said:
It was revealed earlier today that Barry Allen will receive a brand-new love interest for his sophomore season
Woah woah woah, stop the clock. What about Iris? He pines over this girl for years and years and just suddenly goes for some new chick? Zero sense. Unless Iris dies.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I would go back to Linda Park, that girl was cute as hell seemed sane. Why do the writers feel the need to make main female characters completely unlikable like Laurel season 2, felicity since season 2? and Isis always. They went crazy overboard with Lana from Smallville which completely ruined that show


<Prior Amod>
I missed something, where is Panabaker going?

Also I like Felicity, her awkwardness is amusing to me. And Iris is nice eye candy.