It should be noted Killer Frost has had MAJOR character revisions recently with Nu52, Assualt on Arkham, and Injustice. That she was pushed so much in the last few years itself is a bit weird. Obscure character, and then suddenly major player in Nu52, Forever Evil, Assault on Arkham, Injustice playable character, and now here in the Flash.
There were 2 Killer Frosts in the past, pre nu52. Both were irredeemable psycho's. One a full man hating lesbian. A female Zsasz. Massive body count. (was nice to have a female character that was actually a villain and not just misunderstood.)
Nu52 again, completely rewrote the character. Now suddenly, a good scientist(same name as previous mass killer), that got turned into an energy vampire by evil scientists in an explosion. And only "bad" because she can't help it. Even going as far as becoming a hero in Forever Evil.
The names might just be for Easter Egg purposes.
I mean, her boyfriend is firestrom, shes Killer Frost, the other lab tech is Vibe, the boss is Zoom.. Is there anyone thats NOT a superhero/villain on the show? It'd be petty dumb if everyone has powers.