Bros, I met this MILF a couple weeks ago who looked so tight and nice. We hit it off, went out a couple times and she ended up back at my place. She knew she was coming over that night so she bought a giant fucking suitcase to stay the night. I was concerned. She then invites herself to "clean up" by taking a shower and says she has to put pajamas on first. I'm getting annoyed. Finally she gets into bed and we get into it. Stretchy pants and push up bras need to be outlawed. That shit was a lie. Her tits were fucking disgusting, I faked it so I could stop, then she wanted to cuddle and stay the night. I didn't know how crazy she would get if I told her no so I let her. Then I found she left her toothbrush in my toothbrush holder the next morning after she was finally gone.
Now I've gotta tread lightly and feign interest for a little while via text message while I slowly distance myself. Then when she asks why I haven't been talking to her I'll make up some bullshit about how I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about and how I want to have kids of my own but she can't because her uterus was removed. I need to experience that magic and I'm sorry but I just don't think I can get past it. Random pussy is just too much goddamn work. I need to roll up in Camden.