The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I've literally spent the last few months living out a situation exactly like the movie Cyrus. She has been raising her now 9 year old boy all on her own which mostly translates into her giving in to his every demand and setting zero boundaries. They still sleep in the same bed for fucks sake. She's been trying to get him to sleep in his own room now that I've been spending the night, but the kid still crawls in at 2am to snuggle with mommy. Finally came to a head last night after the third night in a row of this and I gathered up my things and gtfo of there.

I love the mom so god damn much, but it's an impossible situation and there's nothing I can do to fix it until she owns up to how bad she has fucked up this kid and is ready to really start setting some boundaries. Not sure if it's over or not yet, but I sure as fuck feel like shit today. Haven't felt this way for a woman in fifteen years, if ever. Feels real bad bros.

You really should have consulted the hive mind at the very beginning of this relationship. We could have saved you some heartache bro. We serve as a surrogate brain when your dick takes over operations. Your penis prevailed over rational thought and here we are.


<Silver Donator>
I don't think it is that fucked up Beagle. Our kids, 7 and 11, sometimes have nightmares and will come get in our bed. This kid has been raised by mama only so there is a chance he is a little soft. If you like her that much, suck it up and try to work it out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't think it is that fucked up Beagle. Our kids, 7 and 11, sometimes have nightmares and will come get in our bed. This kid has been raised by mama only so there is a chance he is a little soft. If you like her that much, suck it up and try to work it out.
There's a pretty huge difference between having a nightmare and sleeping with mommy every night.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
It's pretty cheap to put a lock on a bedroom door. Have her blow you while he's knocking and whining. This will accomplish 2 things. First off, it'll keep her from answering him, and second, if he does break the door down, he'll see your dick in his mom's mouth and will think twice about busting down a locked door in the future.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, that kid is fucked for life. Even if you do manage to get her to make her son sleep in his own bed he'll from then on look at you as a rival, not as a (potential) father figure. So you'll be footing psychologist's bills for the rest of his childhood until he finally grows up to be a strong young man and butchers you in the night. Get out and never look back!

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
i imagine hes in a inception style world, creating giant organic phallic symbol after symbol ina made quest to implode the world by phalli overload


Musty Nester
They should have already been sleeping in their own bed for years by the time that they're 9.

Unless they don't actually have a physical bed.

That's a whole world of shit just waiting for you if you don't do something about it Beagle. Wether that's going Alpha Prime and knocking the mother around until she clevers up or if it's not doing any sleepovers until the kid is 15 and has his own room in juvie I can't say. Tolerating it is really the only wrong choice.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
i imagine hes in a inception style world, creating giant organic phallic symbol after symbol ina made quest to implode the world by phalli overload


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Tolerating it is not an option, I've made that abundantly clear. I gave her the ultimatum last night that either he's sleeping in his own room all night within the next couple weeks or I'm moving on. I've offered to play bad cop since she's incapable of that, not sure if she can deal with it though. I'm not hopeful there's going to be a happy ending to this.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I just pass on single mothers. Taking care of the spawn of some other asshole? Nooope. That isn't even touching the dynamic of the mother giving attention first to the kid, the kid seeing you as a competitor and all the stuff that comes with living with a child. Fuck that noise.

This is assuming normal people. Your gem already has a basketcase of a relationship with her son. Run for the hills bro.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It's pretty cheap to put a lock on a bedroom door. Have her blow you while he's knocking and whining. This will accomplish 2 things. First off, it'll keep her from answering him, and second, if he does break the door down, he'll see your dick in his mom's mouth and will think twice about busting down a locked door in the future.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Tolerating it is not an option, I've made that abundantly clear. I gave her the ultimatum last night that either he's sleeping in his own room all night within the next couple weeks or I'm moving on. I've offered to play bad cop since she's incapable of that, not sure if she can deal with it though. I'm not hopeful there's going to be a happy ending to this.
She'll pay lip service to it, maybe even make some deals with the kid in the short term that will involve you getting your dick wet before he's back later, but nothing substantial. Next.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fact: That woman sucks at raising kids. My awesome girlfriend had her son sleeping in his own room every single night at 2 (we started dating when he was 2 1/2). Hell, he wasn't even 100% potty trained when he turned 3, but at least he sleeps in his own bed, no exceptions, if he has a nightmare we'll comfort him in his own bed.

Boys, I believe, need boundaries set, they need a structured, stable environment to grow up in, they're going to push those boundaries and try to get away with as much as they can... So he knows certain things his mommy will tell him not to do, like jumping on the bed, but he'll keep pushing it... but when you get super stern about something like running into the street or holding hands in the parking lot, there can be zero tolerance for misbehavior, because that's how children learn right from wrong, ie: morality. She has basically raised him as a friend instead of as a parent. He is fucked for life.

I guarantee sleeping in her bed at night is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of behavior she has tolerated/allowed for his ENTIRE life.

Are you incapable of having children of your own? Do you not want kids of your own someday? Would you really want this woman fucking up your children as much as she has already fucked up her own? He's probably fucked, even if you love this woman, I'd suggest breaking ties. I dated women in the past with older children, it's a headache and difficult situation to begin with, but none of them were as bad as what you've described.

Don't necessarily discount all women with children, if you're looking for a potential woman to raise your own children, it's nice to be able to see how she's handled one on her own... because it does get easier with 2 parents, but if she can't handle it solo AT ALL, then you should move on and find a better option.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fact: That woman sucks at raising kids. My awesome girlfriend had her son sleeping in his own room every single night at 2 (we started dating when he was 2 1/2). Hell, he wasn't even 100% potty trained when he turned 3, but at least he sleeps in his own bed, no exceptions, if he has a nightmare we'll comfort him in his own bed.

Boys, I believe, need boundaries set, they need a structured, stable environment to grow up in, they're going to push those boundaries and try to get away with as much as they can... So he knows certain things his mommy will tell him not to do, like jumping on the bed, but he'll keep pushing it... but when you get super stern about something like running into the street or holding hands in the parking lot, there can be zero tolerance for misbehavior, because that's how children learn right from wrong, ie: morality. She has basically raised him as a friend instead of as a parent. He is fucked for life.

I guarantee sleeping in her bed at night is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of behavior she has tolerated/allowed for his ENTIRE life.

Are you incapable of having children of your own? Do you not want kids of your own someday? Would you really want this woman fucking up your children as much as she has already fucked up her own? He's probably fucked, even if you love this woman, I'd suggest breaking ties. I dated women in the past with older children, it's a headache and difficult situation to begin with, but none of them were as bad as what you've described.

Don't necessarily discount all women with children, if you're looking for a potential woman to raise your own children, it's nice to be able to see how she's handled one on her own... because it does get easier with 2 parents, but if she can't handle it solo AT ALL, then you should move on and find a better option.
If you're taking advice from the guy who actively sought out women and trannies to fuck on criagslist, your life is in fucking shambles.

But if you want some counter-argument here. You say this is the only woman that you've basically cared about in 15 years. Unless you're like 15 years old or in your early 20's that's pretty substantial bro. Lets be honest here, this isn't actually that big of a deal. If the kid's a fucking terror that just absolute shits on everything good and the mom lets him walk all over her, then I could see some problems but the way you described it, really doesn't seem that bad. Granted I've never seen that shitty movie so it could be worse I guess?

You know why the kid does that shit and the mom deals with it, they're both obviously lacking a positive male figure in their lives. If you ACTUALLY CARE like you had stated previously then it would matter to you to fill that role. Being a "bad cop" isn't smart either, that's something that she needs to handle and you need to support that bitch in doing it. If she's not willing to work with you to help improve her and her son's life, I could see you wanting to bail.

Of course this is all assuming that you care as much as you said.
But, if you don't then just bail and fuck the next bitch just because PUZZY IZ GEWD.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If she's not willing to work with you to help improve her and her son's life, I could see you wanting to bail.
Dude... it's a 9 year old...

Sleeping in the same bed as his mother. 3 nights in a row. While the boyfriend is also trying to sleep in the same bed.

This isn't a fucking child. He could be starting middle school in just over 1 year depending on how his school district segregates grades... He's had sex education. When I was 9 years old I was waking myself up, getting ready for school by myself, walking just over a mile to school, alone, and reading young adult fiction. (don't mean to sound like I walked uphill bothways or something, I think my experience is fairly typical). I'd be at home by myself for about at hour after school.

And he's slept in the same bed as his mother and her boyfriend for 3 days in a row.

Sometimes being the "positive role model" means being a bad cop. She is allowing him destructive behaviors (ie: behaviors that are not appropriate for a child his age) Maybe if he was 6, it would be a little weird... but 9 is LITERALLY the age of the actor playing Robin Arryn in season 1...A positive role model would have put his foot down on Night #2. Not allow it 3 days in a row, and it's obvious where she stands on the issue, because he had to get out of bed after the 3rd night, not the son. And she's committed to doing absolutely nothing. If you've been with her more than a few months, you should be helping in the parenting decisions, or moving on if she's not allowing you to do so. It will only get worse when he becomes a teenager.

Shit was designed to be creepy and unnerving in Game of Thrones... because it is. He is, developmentally, years behind where most children are, and she doesn't even realize that she's not doing a good job of being a parent: ie: helping him to prepare to live on his own some day.


Musty Nester
That's a significant boundary issue.

If her son is sleeping in her bed at 9 years old and it's not a "I had a bad dream" indulgence, but a matter of habit, that really is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.

My aunt raised her son like this and he got over it. She didn't like break him 4lyfe or anything (the reserves fucking fixed him, tbh)... but the years between him being 3 and 17. My uncle left her over it, partially. Little boys need clear, easily understood boundaries.

He'll come after you with a fucking hammer and she'll send him to his room for an hour. Three years and he'll start getting violent. It's not too late yet but it will be soon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dude... it's a 9 year old...

Sleeping in the same bed as his mother. 3 nights in a row. While the boyfriend is also trying to sleep in the same bed.

This isn't a fucking child. He could be starting middle school in just over 1 year depending on how his school district segregates grades... He's had sex education. When I was 9 years old I was waking myself up, getting ready for school by myself, walking just over a mile to school, alone, and reading young adult fiction. (don't mean to sound like I walked uphill bothways or something, I think my experience is fairly typical). I'd be at home by myself for about at hour after school.

And he's slept in the same bed as his mother and her boyfriend for 3 days in a row.

Sometimes being the "positive role model" means being a bad cop. She is allowing him destructive behaviors (ie: behaviors that are not appropriate for a child his age) Maybe if he was 6, it would be a little weird... but 9 is LITERALLY the age of the actor playing Robin Arryn in season 1...A positive role model would have put his foot down on Night #2. Not allow it 3 days in a row, and it's obvious where she stands on the issue, because he had to get out of bed after the 3rd night, not the son. And she's committed to doing absolutely nothing. If you've been with her more than a few months, you should be helping in the parenting decisions, or moving on if she's not allowing you to do so. It will only get worse when he becomes a teenager.

Shit was designed to be creepy and unnerving in Game of Thrones... because it is. He is, developmentally, years behind where most children are, and she doesn't even realize that she's not doing a good job of being a parent: ie: helping him to prepare to live on his own some day.
A 9 year old is typically in 4th grade. What the fuck are you talking about? If your parents weren't taking care of you still when you were 9 and allowing you to walk a mile to school, it really explains why you are as fucked up as you are.

You make it sound like the little boy was in bed eating his mom's fucking vagina or something. The kid's sleeping with his mother because THAT'S WHAT HE'S DONE FOR THE PAST 9 YEARS. You can't just walk in and expect to reverse 9 years of shit in the first 3 days. Like I said, he needs to make his intentions pretty clear if he plans on staying with the chick and if she can see that only good can come of it then awesome, if she can't then maybe he doesn't want to work that hard for a chick.

Obviously the shit in GoT was designed to be creepy, Robin Arryn's character has a fucking disorder that stunts his intellect and growth and causes him to have seizures, I hardly see how that applies to this situation.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Good points all around. There are boundary issues, and the mom does acknowledge that she's fucked up. A lot of it stems from the fact that she feels guilty for the marriage breaking up, blah blah. Right now I'm leaning towards Sutekh's pov. I really do love the shit out of her and what kind of person would that make me if I bailed and headed for the hills at the first sign of trouble.

The household does need a solid, positive male role model and because I care about mom so much I'm willing to step up to the plate and give it a shot. That being said, I'm not going to eat a bottomless bowl of shit either. I've been gone for 3 days now and mom has been txting me saying that the boy has been asking about me pretty much non-stop and thinks I'm a pretty righteous dude, so that's a start. The boy goes to his dad's on Saturday so we get some alone adult time and comes back on Sunday afternoon. I'm going to give it one more shot Sunday night on the stipulation that we do things my way. If she wants to have me fill the role of man of the house then she's going to have to let me take charge of the situation or else we just go back to being weekend fuck buddies. My plan is to sit down and have a serious talk with the boy about grown-up relationships and about him growing up to be a young man. I'll end the talk with stipulation that in no uncertain terms I will be sleeping in mom's bed while he sleeps in his own, if he gets up in the middle of the night and tries to come in then he will be immediately escorted back to his own room. If mom let's this happen and doesn't freak out on the first couple nights when he starts crying then I'm willing to have patience and work with it till it's fixed, if not, then it's a hopeless situation and I move on.

And I already have my own kid, a 7 year old girl, who is well-adjusted, super smart, and has an asian tiger mom. There is zero chance I'm breeding with this woman.