The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Got something right about marriage
Khane, you're not getting it, no double talk. Not smarter, perhaps more wise, that doesn't mean we can't be equal though, shit doesn't even mean you can't be smarter.

You're taking work as a negative, I'm not. FFS, you have to "work" to be friends with your bros. If you didn't work at it, you'd be a hermit. Is that analogy better? Would I say to my bro, "Shit man, I don't want to stop and get a 6 pack of suds for you", no of course I'd get that 6 pack and probably not even ask for any cash. Is that "work". No not technically, but that is what I mean. We're probably splitting hairs here, I'll digress

As for my points around walking the walk vs talking about the walk, unless you've lived it, all you have is what you've observed, read, been told, etc, you've not lived it, so you don't know. I doubt many of us have been in the situation exact as Beagle but it's obvious we "all" have input
You aren't remotely beginning to understand what I am saying. You said a relationship is "the hardest job there is". It isn't, not even close. You've even said you yourself, you never feel like it's work. You don't feel like it's work because it is genuinely what you want. When you start to feel like it's work, and start dreading a fight because of how "hard" it's becoming it's a problem.

I don't have to work to be friends with my bros. Just because we argue or don't see eye to eye on every little thing doesn't mean I am "working" at that friendship. The last relationship I was in was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. We were best friends until she moved in. We started to fight but neither one of us could forgive each other afterwards, we just pretended we were both OK. I don't even give a second thought about an argument with my friends because we just understand and forgive each other without needing to even say it. We move on. Her and I couldn't do that. We tried and failed. The difference here is that if I had kept on with that relationship it literally would have been the hardest thing in my life, and that's not a worthwhile relationship. And I am smart enough to know the difference.


What's wrong buddy, want to talk about it?
I found infinitely better therapy than writing awkward novels on a gaming message board. I spend hours trying to line up the perfect digital headshot at 600 meters or more on moving targets while avoiding hordes of the undead.

I call it murder anonymous, and I swear it's ten times more effective than complaining about your problems and then ignoring the advice you receive. The apocalypse and a decent rifle would do you all well.

Unless, of course, I'm provided with fifteen dark beers and a generous amount of hard liquor. Then I'll be weeping and explaining in no less than fifteen paragraphs about how my girlfriend's daddy issues interfere with my ability to finally get her to let me put it in her butt.


Got something right about marriage
Uhh, your girlfriends daddy issues should interfere with your ability to not have her constantly shoving your dick into her butt when you aren't in the mood.


Uhh, your girlfriends daddy issues should interfere with your ability to not have her constantly shoving your dick into her butt when you aren't in the mood.
It was sarcasm, Dr. Phil. Take your tampons and self help books elsewhere.


Khane, so we're clear on what "work" means in this discussion: exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.

Shit brah, you're working me right now, we are splitting hairs here though, probably not worth further effort . . . . doh

You are working your bros to continue and foster your relationship, putting in effort (that you may feel isn't effort at all, but it is), to accomplish something (tighter bonding, stress relief, fun, etc). You do talk, drink, spend time with your friends, aka work at it. I don't care if you don't see it that way, you can be wrong, that is your Merican right.

As for whom misunderstood whom, well, that would have been you. Attempting to take issue with me on with something YOU misunderstood. My statement on marriage is correct.

Tell me what job is more difficult and I'll squash that with the totality of impact a women scorned can do to a man in the emotional sense. We're talking about the mind, not the body (so no BS about "I have to lift 200 lbs all day long"). Now maybe, just maybe I could concede if you say something like being president, the level of stress and anxiety of that job vs marriage/relationship, yeah, even scorned women may not be able to touch that level

I'm done though. If I continue Sut may yell at me
, you can have the last word and we can agree to disagree. No harm or foul, please don't take offense to our differences

J49, if you hook up with a ho that looks like that, I'll take back all that nasty stuff I said about you earlier


Got something right about marriage
Khane, so we're clear on what "work" means in this discussion: exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.

Shit brah, you're working me right now, we are splitting hairs here though, probably not worth further effort . . . . doh

You are working your bros to continue and foster your relationship, putting in effort (that you may feel isn't effort at all, but it is), to accomplish something (tighter bonding, stress relief, fun, etc). You do talk, drink, spend time with your friends, aka work at it. I don't care if you don't see it that way, you can be wrong, that is your Merican right.

As for whom misunderstood whom, well, that would have been you. Attempting to take issue with me on with something YOU misunderstood. My statement on marriage is correct.

Tell me what job is more difficult and I'll squash that with the totality of impact a women scorned can do to a man in the emotional sense. We're talking about the mind, not the body (so no BS about "I have to lift 200 lbs all day long"). Now maybe, just maybe I could concede if you say something like being president, the level of stress and anxiety of that job vs marriage/relationship, yeah, even scorned women may not be able to touch that level

I'm done though. If I continue Sut may yell at me
, you can have the last word and we can agree to disagree. No harm or foul, please don't take offense to our differences

J49, if you hook up with a ho that looks like that, I'll take back all that nasty stuff I said about you earlier
You're a fucking idiot. Congratulations. It's akin to an episode of Oprah where she says being a mother is the hardest job in the world.

Just shut the fuck up. There's a youtube clip where Bill Burr can put it more succinctly than I ever could. Go look it up. I'm too lazy. You think you have a good relationship yet you compare the exhaustion of having to deal with your wife to being the fucking president of the United States.


<Silver Donator>
ohai. My recently ex-girlfriend says my short attention span and impatience are a dealbreaker. So I am picking up my adderoll prescription on Monday. Thanks, legal drugs!


Blackwing Lair Raider
That sounds like a really bullshit reason to break up with someone.

Are you sure she wasn't just making up a reason to find a way out?


<Silver Donator>
Well any complaint she has is applicable to those two. So, it's summarized a bit. Normally I get bored with a relationship about every 6 months and end up moving (I move a lot), but this is the first time someone has broken up with me. She knows I'm getting meds and she wants to "Reboot and start fresh" after I'm on them, whatever the hell that means.


<Silver Donator>
I obsess about new hobbies to the point where that's all I talk about, I "fidget" when we're sitting still, I over-think every situation, I don't pay attention to my surroundings, I hate standing in line, I don't like walking behind people because I walk faster than everyone else and she says I make "gross" faces when I see fat people, but I think I've only done that a few times.

In reality, she has plenty of faults and I know that, but she's a pretty damn good woman and I'm willing to change what I can for her, at least right now. I've dated girls that I've wanted to treat well, but this is the first time I've ever been willing to do anything for a girl.


Musty Nester
Yeah, but if she broke up with you already what you need to do is change yourself for the better for the NEXT girl.

Get your head in that place. If you want even a chance of keeping -this- girl, you have to be willing to toss the entire thing. Its easier to keep a customer than to get a customer back. And it sounds like that's whats happened if she's broken up with you "because you're so poor you can't afford to pay attention" but you've managed to connive her somehow into prolonging it.

Realisitically you're not maintaining the relationship. That relationship ended when she told you that you're annoying. And that's what she told you, man. You gotta look at that straight in the face. What you're doing now is trying to start a new one. Potentially with the same woman. And that's harder to do when there's already baggage that's piled up.

I wish you luck, that's not a doomed scenario... but don't trade too heavily on sentiment and habit. You can manipulate a person that way but... ehh, look at what you're actually getting for that effort.

She's willing to just walk away from it. By default that means you're the one that's gonna be doing the heavy lifting. And she still might walk away from it. Do it for the next girl, not this one.


<Silver Donator>
I'm really not going to chase her all over the earth. She's got valid complaints, I just never cared when anyone else said them. I get along very well with 95% of the people I meet and work with, but I'm sure I'm not an easy guy to date. One thing she said that pissed me off was that I'm always "bubbly". First off, the word is emasculating. Second, I'm not bouncing off the walls happy, I'm just always in a good mood. I enjoy life and apparently that's exhausting.

The way I see it, I lost someone I wanted to keep and part of the reason is personality flaws that have needed to be fixed for awhile. I won't date her again just because she'll have me. She needs to make some changes too, I just need to make the majority of them. She is a damn good cook, though.