I mean kissing isn't that weird, I do it with my guy friends all the time. I don't think it's a good indication that she wants to fuck or anything maybe she's just overly friendly.So we ended up kissing. There you have it. Nothing else happened as she has to get up at 6 am, and it's flo time, not that it stopped us in the past. She asked if I wanted to spend the night but we both sort of realized we wouldn't sleep well and it wouldn't make for a good day tomorrow.
She's off Friday but has to work Sat/Sun so I'm sure we'll meet up again soon.
Kinda weird though. Nice, but weird. Didn't work the first time either, but we still remained friends.
I tend to put the line at tossing salads. It's just too messy and attracts ants like crazy on camping trips.
I'm pretty anti-redpill, but you could use a healthy dose of testosterone.Fuck off, you fat fucking nerd with your autistic redpill horseshit.
Dumar discussing anything related to relationships is like a Klan Wizard discussing the best course of action for inner city schools.I'm pretty anti-redpill, but you could use a healthy dose of testosterone.
I've posted pics of my myself before, I have plenty of testosterone. I would beat the ever living fuck out of Dumar "in real life," you know, if we were mysteriously placed into a boxing ring or something.I'm pretty anti-redpill, but you could use a healthy dose of testosterone.
lol I think I made it angry.@Sutekh-
Last two posts were both at a Michael Jordan level, bravo.
You clearly want to date this woman and are experiencing stress due to trying to deny it to yourself. I am going to go with the group here and say make a play, assuming everything you have said is accurate. Either she is dropping hints or she is stringing you along. Since you obviously want more out of this relationship than friendship, making a play is the correct move. Worst case, she will shut you down and you know you are wasting time and energy on that avenue of thought. Best case scenario, you actually get a relationship going, even if it is only FWB.
Sitting on the fence is only stressing you out and is not good for your mental health. You are giving the impression that while your saying you only want to be friends, clearly you are not going to be satisfied with that level of interaction with this woman. Stop beating yourself up and take a chance. If you strike out, well, Tinder is still there and there are lots of things to do to social network in the Bay area.
Given your posting history I can see why you'd assume the sarcasmOh. Well then sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic.
Bro, I don't even know who you are.Given your posting history I can see why you'd assume the sarcasm
Alzheimer's setting in already.Bro, I don't even know who you are.
I lol'd. I'd give you nets if I could.Bro, I don't even know who you are.