@Falxy-US Could always use an update, mate. Good on you for being in a good relationship, noice. Especially like the getting fit part. Is this the one you grow old with, mebbe?This is how you build suspense. Nicely done. Dont forget to get lots of nudes for later.
Why bother with the trip unless she’s paying for 100% of it?Around 2015 I was dating a gal that I wanted to pop the question to.
She and I, we had a favorite movie. Moonrise Kingdom. The movie alone is nothing really to write home about but us watching it together just felt... right. We saw it 4 times in the theater when it came out in 2012.
For those of you who don't know the film, all you need to know is there's a beach that's really important in the film. So I go out on google and I find the actual beach where they shot the scene. It turns out it's near a spot we had already planned on going on vacation. Seems like a pretty good place to pop the question. "Hey, you know that movie we watched together over and over and loved? Well we're HERE. This is where it was shot."
So I get a ring and the trip is coming up.
About a week before we go, we're talking about what we want out of our relationship. She looks me right in the eyes and uses her serious voice... and this will haunt me for the rest of my life... she says my name and then "... don't be asking me any questions while we're on this trip." I knew what she meant. She was saying "I don't want to marry you" or "Don't ask me to marry you."
So I didn't. And we ended up breaking up.
now he is recently dead from an overdose, poor girl cannot catch a break
So was that the end of the relationship on the spot? If not, it should have been.About a week before we go, we're talking about what we want out of our relationship. She looks me right in the eyes and uses her serious voice... and this will haunt me for the rest of my life... she says my name and then "... don't be asking me any questions while we're on this trip." I knew what she meant. She was saying "I don't want to marry you" or "Don't ask me to marry you."
About a week before we go, we're talking about what we want out of our relationship. She looks me right in the eyes and uses her serious voice... and this will haunt me for the rest of my life... she says my name and then "... don't be asking me any questions while we're on this trip." I knew what she meant. She was saying "I don't want to marry you" or "Don't ask me to marry you."
I had a girl I was seeing, I liked her, we had had sex, etc. She tells me that she's still in love with some other guy (who was married lol). We had sex a few more times then she dumped me. Oh well. Girls are retarded.
Necro thread. I'm six months in with my current girlfriend. We've known each other since highschool, we ran cross country and track together, but had no connection there except I had a crush on her and tried just going to her house one night (I had balls lol) but she wasn't home. Didn't see her for almost 20 years, then I see her like 4 times in a year. The first time I saw her was walking into a grocery store, and she was in front of me, wearing workout clothes, I was looking at her saying "who the fuck is this? Holy shit this chick is so fucking hot, holy shit, how do I even get a girl like this??" And then like a minute later (I was sneaky following her lol) she recognized me from HS and then it clicked who she was, very pleasant. She ended up staying in great shape after high school and doing marathons, 50k adventure runs, etc.
I saw her again twice in public, and one night I got drunk and sent her a message on facebook "if you ever get divorced let me know" (LOL pathetic.) Yes she was married. Then like 4-5 months later I see her at this wine event and she has no ring on, but we didn't talk. I messaged her again that night "I noticed you didn't have a ring on tonight..." and a few days later she wrote back "Yep." I kept at her from there and next thing I know we are dating. When we started dating she had been separated for about 6-8 months, and is officially divorced now.
It's actually a very healthy relationship, we don't have any drama yet, we get along well, and being with her has made me get back into shape because we run and ride bikes together (did a 50 miler bike ride last week!). I probably put on 20 pounds in the last 10 years because of my career, lack of sleep, and shit eating. I've lost all that weight and in the best shape I've been in since high school. I have a kid, she has kids, we have been taking that very very slow. Not like we meet and first week try to co mingle family.
Anyway, I'm happy, no psycho shit, and very happy with myself right now in terms of relationship, well being, and physical fitness.
Just following this up. Things are still going well. We get along great, sex is amazing, I love eating her pussyStill doing our bike rides, we did 2 x 40-mile rides this past weekend. She's a beast. Only little snag we have had is we tried having our kids hang our some. I have a daughter, she has three. Her son is a psychopath. The first time they all hung out it was fine. The next time it was my daughter and her son, who is 8, so 2 yrs older than my daughter. He's a aggressive little asshole, put his hands on my daughter, and kept ripping whatever toy she was playing with out of her hand, she would fight back. It was not enjoyable at all. When they left she looked at me and said "well that was a bad day." We did dinner tonight with the whole group, and he was kind of annoying her again and was fucking with her. GF doesn't do too much in the way of disciplining him, but she acknowledges that he's insane and a handful. That has me a little worried. My daughter has a heart of gold, and seeing any little shit put their hands on her kills me.
Just following this up. Things are still going well. We get along great, sex is amazing, I love eating her pussyStill doing our bike rides, we did 2 x 40-mile rides this past weekend. She's a beast. Only little snag we have had is we tried having our kids hang our some. I have a daughter, she has three. Her son is a psychopath. The first time they all hung out it was fine. The next time it was my daughter and her son, who is 8, so 2 yrs older than my daughter. He's a aggressive little asshole, put his hands on my daughter, and kept ripping whatever toy she was playing with out of her hand, she would fight back. It was not enjoyable at all. When they left she looked at me and said "well that was a bad day." We did dinner tonight with the whole group, and he was kind of annoying her again and was fucking with her. GF doesn't do too much in the way of disciplining him, but she acknowledges that he's insane and a handful. That has me a little worried. My daughter has a heart of gold, and seeing any little shit put their hands on her kills me.
I can't help but noticing your contributions to both this thread and the "craziest sex" thread where you said that just last week you had an asian massage chick give you head twice. Now I'm not one to judge, and I certainly don't care what you do, but I wonder how amazing this relationship is if you're pretty nonchalant about paying for BJs as well. On the one hand, we all want another Johnny5(6 now?) where you bang whores behind your wife's back, but on the other a lot of us also like to hear about fellow forum members having happy lives. So are things as great as they seem (minus the demon child), and you're just capable of rationalizing girlfriends and whores together?Just following this up. Things are still going well. We get along great, sex is amazing, I love eating her pussyStill doing our bike rides, we did 2 x 40-mile rides this past weekend. She's a beast. Only little snag we have had is we tried having our kids hang our some. I have a daughter, she has three. Her son is a psychopath. The first time they all hung out it was fine. The next time it was my daughter and her son, who is 8, so 2 yrs older than my daughter. He's a aggressive little asshole, put his hands on my daughter, and kept ripping whatever toy she was playing with out of her hand, she would fight back. It was not enjoyable at all. When they left she looked at me and said "well that was a bad day." We did dinner tonight with the whole group, and he was kind of annoying her again and was fucking with her. GF doesn't do too much in the way of disciplining him, but she acknowledges that he's insane and a handful. That has me a little worried. My daughter has a heart of gold, and seeing any little shit put their hands on her kills me.
a lot?but on the other a lot of us also like to hear about fellow forum members having happy lives.