I'm about to make a (very long) post that should hopefully provide insight and real, meaningful advice to most people in this thread. I've touched upon what I'm about to go into numerous times here and elsewhere, but this time it should be more complete.
I've spent the last 6 months or so going on a million dates from OKC and PoF. Tons of them. Too many to count, averaging maybe 1 new girl a week, possibly 2, in that time frame. The purpose was not sex or finding a relationship, although in cases it led to either or both. I purposely included a huge mix and variance in just about every category one could conceive of - physically, ethnically, emotionally and in life background and experience: ugly to gorgeous, sheltered to cosmopolitan, homely white girls to ethnic mutts.
By behaving a certain way, by following advice given by the science of PUA in forums and articles, I did in fact have the best chance to get the result I wanted, assuming the result I wanted was sex or a relationship. Now, this wasn't true for all the girls. Some responded negatively to these suggested behaviors, but statistically speaking, it gave me the best chance to achieve a good result. I will not go into these behaviors or personality traits here, as they've been thoroughly mapped out and discussed in this thread and everywhere on the net ad nauseam. However, to provide info, I mostly took the angle of the emotionally unavailable mystery type that made these women qualify themselves, as that's where my background was best suited having traveled extensively and a wardrobe full of suits for work. I rarely played any cocky funny guy angles because I couldn't pull that off as well. But in every case where I used this or any stereotype, I wasn't very responsive most of the time, and I rarely responded to texts or phone calls, contacting them only after an amount of time passed from their initial text or message. And even when I did contact them, it was one line responses that showed little care, emotion or effort. I got the best results from this behavior.
I didn't enjoy myself any of the times doing this. That is to say in precise language, the social interactions I had with these women was not engaging or stimulating in any way. I would rather respond differently and had a different type of social interaction that was fulfilling to me, one where I could be emotionally responsive. Now, to be fair, some women did respond positively when I acted how I, myself, truly wanted to act, but it was few and far between, or hardly any at all.
What I've said so far isn't new. It's mostly obvious to the people in this thread. But now comes the insight and advice. Why do PUA tricks work? Why was my being emotionally unavailable all the time effective? Have you ever wondered why there's a science to the pickup and 'game'? (Why is it called 'game'?... see below) Or put in another way, why are so many women's personalities and attraction generators the same things? Now, what you'll probably say is that the answer lies in biology and physiology... but that's just a tiny part of the story. Physically it is true, as taller or more muscular men are seen as more attractive, and that's an objective biological quantity. But as any real PUA will tell you, looks mean very little.
So then, the question before us is why these behaviors and traits work most of the time. The answer isn't biology. You'll then probably say it's human nature. It's basic human nature that these certain qualities are attractive, but that's not quantifiable or even helpful because it means nothing. You can't even tell me what human nature IS firstly to begin to tell me of a certain aspect of it. I've touched upon Fromm, Gramsci, Weber, Durkheim, Jung, Marx, even Freud. I've went into these thinkers and many others here in posts and in conversation in real life trying to reach some insight about human relationships in this, our modern life.
And I realized it when I was going over Marx's substructure and superstructure economic literature. That is, everything has as its base an economic reality based in a mode of life, and our social structures and institutions are built upon this structureand thus reflect its attributes. Our mode of life is (very loosely) a market system capitalism, one where the concept of a 'market' is central to our everyday life. And THAT is where we form our base concepts of things. That's why we call it 'a game' and why we 'put ourselves on the market'. The definition of love changes according to a human being's, a society's, mode or method of productive life. Courtly love was never thought of as a game or a market precisely because their mode of living in economic terms was different than ours - and thus, their definition of love different. And so then, what's attractive varies according to a certain mode of existence, a certain reality grounded in economic roots. Being cool, distant, and emotionally unavailable is attractive in interpersonal relationships because it's also a desired quality in business. And the proof of this is the verbage seen in everyday life with regards to ourselves: 'human capital', 'emotional investment', 'playing the game' et al.
One can say that it is a sickness on asocietal level, a mental pathology that is 'normal' precisely because it presents in everyone.
If you truly are emotionally responsive, supporting, understanding, caring, loving, all the things peoplesaythey want but in fact do not because those qualities do not create attraction, then you will not have much luck in terms getting what you want. You then have tobe adjustedto what society deems as attractive, which again has as its roots the economic structure.
Now the real advice. You have two choices. You can truly be yourself. That is, express your own human individuality in your social interactions with people - or again in precise language, express your thoughts and emotions wholly and earnestly in your relationships. Doing this, however, will not get the results you want. Your second choice is in terms ofadjustmentto these behaviors and traits society teaches as attractive ('playing the game'). Doing this means you will not express your own individuality, but you will get better results. Some people have rationalized this choice to such an extent that they think this learned behavior is their true selvesprecisely because it gets the results they want, but make no mistake, it is in fact learned and adjusted behavior.
What is more important to you as a human being entering into social interactions with other human beings? Do you want to express yourself and get less results, or adjust yourself and get better ones? I would make the thesis that the stronger person, is in fact, the one who can overcome results andwants to express himself as himself, but that's another post entirely.
I hope this gives others something to reflect upon and consider when it comes to your relationships with others.