I didnt really like the ending.
idk, I also saw that epi 5 thing a mile away. I'd have to rewatch to remember exactly when I put it together, but it was pretty early. it was still really well shot. I do love that.
no seriously. burn that shit down. purifying fire.
The mom being psychic and believing the kids are, but never listening to them, was never addressed. The mom being driven crazy by the 1 crazy ghost.. and then STILL being crazy after death was a bit sad and weak.
Nellie talks about time after death being non-linear. but that doesnt seem to play out much for anyone else. Except explaining how Dottie knew the childrens fates. And Abigals mom taking her hand after death, but not being dead yet.
Nellie's ghost can leave the house, and visit her family. the moms apparently can't, or doesn't? the mom expressly says the phantom, was his imagination, not actually her. although maybe this was part of the nonlinear.. maybe she does go visit him and the family after reconciling, and it really was her.
house is called a monster, devouring them repeatedly. its a stomach. why would they want to be in it? Dottie and crazy mom, are the only two evil ghosts it seems. a bit odd.. I can see the house is not evil, its just her.
I def dont really get why anyone would choose to die in the house, and not move on. like the caretakers. fuck that shit. burn it down, let them move on. the mom was driven crazy. burn it down, let her move on and presumably heal. trapping her, and nel in that half crazed state. hell no. also nel trapped in the house, without her husband. burn it down.
"starve the house" like 10 people die after you choose to "Starve it". that clearly isnt working.
Any ending with the house not being burned down is a bit unsatisfying ihmo.
looks fake. Graphics are way too sharp/current for that TV obviously.Anyone know what video game young Steve was playing in episode 8?
looks fake. Graphics are way too sharp/current for that TV obviously.
its also far too advanced for Descent 1-3.
A bit too pixely for minerwars. (2012). but, more intentionally pixeled, not low res. Looks like a modern indie game, intentionally made to LOOK like a 2004-2010 game.
i liked the alt ending better.
All the gushy shit at the end had the window in the background, so they are all still in the red room.