So I actually haven't even played in over a week. VT was fucking Aids i didn't even clear it once before noping out. Luclin holds no sentimental value, I have no nostalgia for it and its good because apparently luclin was fucking gay and i'm glad I quit eq the first time when it came out.
How was the cleric nerf? I had been just logging in doing sleeper x2 on my sk/nec/shm and my war/bst/wiz for augs and AAing on my zerk/monk/clr but they nerfed CLR' before i got enough AA or leveled enough gear to try burning bosses.
can that combo still down sleeper in a single burn while ignoring the 75% add or does it now need to play more conservatively?
Basically i'm not willing to do luclin with any build that doesn't have a rogue, bard, or monk in it, there is no fucking way i'm clearing all that trash and necro/sk FD isn't good enough to skip without it taking hours waiting on the mobs to fuck off.