<Gold Donor>
So ive been doing this as well for the better part of a week now at night. Even got this going today while in the office. But I was on a stream last night right before bed, I guess this dude is a tester for these guys and the subject came up and he said that they look for people doing this so be careful. Not sure if he was just talking out his ass or what, but something to consider. I would hate to get this account banned after spending so much fucking time on it. (And yet I still did it today, lol.)Best AFk spot for me was the slime room with the hole that drops down below. There are 5 slimes you can afk aggro. Lumi posted an even better spot with the room full of wandering rats, but during the VDay event those roamers would eventually spawn as non aggro Followers of erollsi or whatever, so it wasn' viable. I Just equipped an item i wanted to have lego, spent all my aa, and went to bed. Next morning before work I'd pop online, change to a different item to powersource, spend all 100 capped AA, then afk again for the work day. Rinse repeat 24/7 for a bit over a week and done. Was perfect.
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