The Hobbit


Just a Nurse
Dunno man...

1232299 - Bilbo_Baggins NoMoreWords smaug the_hobbit.png


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Oddly enough, that image reminds me of the aftermath of some of our dragon kills in EQ1 since we had a high # of asslings in the guild.


Trakanon Raider
Felt like they could have cut an hour by just getting rid of the excessive Pirates of the Caribbean style combat.


Trakanon Raider
I read The hobbit as a kid, believe it was my first true book report, and then read it again years later as a teenager following up with Lord of the Rings.

I always enjoyed the Hobbit more then LOTR which I felt had good moments but was bogged down with exposition, and by the time I read the 3rd book I was really done with Tolkiens form of writing.
i agree. i found as a story, that "the hobbit" is better written and a more balanced tale. i actually enjoyed "the fellowship of the ring" and "the two towers" but i thought by the third book, "the return of the king" the story kinda went south. as a whole, i just liked the story of the hobbit more. the simplicity of it just worked (i'm talking before he tried to go back and george lucas the whole thing).


Buzzfeed Editor
Smaug is small potatoes compared to Sauron and his forces. i doubt he would have stood much chance against The Nine. poor smaug, all he really wanted was his pile of gold to sleep on and maybe some dragon bitches with fat dragon tittays
Not accurate, I don't think. Smaug was immensely powerful. Not on Sauron's level, probably, but I bet he would have fucked the Nine up.


Millie's Staff Member
the Nine while unmounted or mounted on earthbound horses? yeah, they would likely be toast. but The Nine on their flying lizard mounts? uh no. smaug might cook one or three, but in the end they will just manuever underneath him and stick a spear in the gap of the armor and then no more smaug.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Given that the reason Gandalf wanted Smaug out of the way was to prevent his "use" (I think that's the word used in the books) by Sauron, I always figured Sauron and his forces were much more powerful than the dragon.

Not necessarily in terms of physical or combative ability, but just due to the fact that Smaug is a "dark" creature, and it seems like all the "dark" creatures of Middle Earth had come under Sauron's sway as his power grew. Even if Sauron didn't directly control them, they tended to do things that benefited him.

I imagine that had Smaug not been killed, he would have woken up as Sauron got closer to launching his assaults on Gondor, etc., and fucked shit up around Erebor. Smaug might assume he was doing this of his own free will, but Sauron's influence probably would have been the catalyst that started his rampage rather than staying asleep on his piles of treasure.

As to the Nine, weren't they pretty much unkillable (save for the one prophecy) due to being linked to Sauron himself? Smaug might be able to repel them for a while or disable their mounts, but eventually they would kill him.


Buzzfeed Editor
They were killed in the book, though. The way I saw it was more that Gandalf was kind of freaked out at the prospect of having to deal with Sauron w/ dragon under his thrall rather than just Sauron. Sauron is basically a demi-god, he is out of Smaug's league for sure. But his servants and stuff? I really doubt that.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They were killed in the book, though. The way I saw it was more that Gandalf was kind of freaked out at the prospect of having to deal with Sauron w/ dragon under his thrall rather than just Sauron. Sauron is basically a demi-god, he is out of Smaug's league for sure. But his servants and stuff? I really doubt that.
Were they killed? Other than the Witch King dying to that one prophecy, I remember the others only dying when the ring was destroyed. They were never actually killed by any mortal means.


Buzzfeed Editor
The Witch-King for sure. And the others were weaker than him, I can't imagine any of them actually standing up to dragon fire. Especially when dragon fire has been shown to destroy the rings (except the one of course).

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The Witch-King for sure. And the others were weaker than him, I can't imagine any of them actually standing up to dragon fire. Especially when dragon fire has been shown to destroy the rings (except the one of course).
That was probably the gayest thing ive ever seen in a movie, no joke. I remember everyone cheering and clapping when she said im no man!


Sauron riding around Middle-earth with Smaug for a mount. Yeah, that would have fucked up shit royally.


Potato del Grande
the Balrog would probably make for a good fight with Smaug.
The Balrog is on Sauron's level, Sauron is probally a bit stronger because he got more Melkor juice by being his chief henchman. He would fuck up Smaug.

Smaug vs Ringwraiths probally depends on if they actually wear their rings or if Sauron keeps them, dragonfire would melt the rings and kill them.