Probably upset because the one black dude in the movie was an obvious honeydick.I'd say 6.5/10. Awesome I saved $4.25 seeing it I suppose. There were some good moments, but I think it lacked the Danny McBride element that Pineapple Express had. Ders at the end made me laugh really hard, for some reason.
LOL@ whoever was complaining there was one black person in the movie. There were like 5 total characters and 80% of the movie is in fucking North Korea. If it makes you feel better, Lizzy Kaplan is half Lebanese.
Honeypot(in this context) is using sex to entrap someone. Honeydick is the term they came up with for a dude doing it. I suggest watching theArcherepisode, "Honeypot" to get more education.OK, explain honeydick please
Hahaha, yeah I thought the exact same thing during the sceneWas it Seal Team 6 though? There were only like 5 guys there.