The Irishman (2018)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
2.25 star(s) Rating: 2.25/5 8 Votes
Title: The Irishman

Genre: Drama, Crime

Director: Martin Scorsese

Cast: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Harvey Keitel, Joe Pesci, Bobby Cannavale, Ray Romano, Stephen Graham, Kathrine Narducci, J.C. MacKenzie, Craig Vincent, Anna Paquin, Gary Basaraba

Release: 2018-12-31

Plot: A mob hit man recalls his possible involvement with the slaying of Jimmy Hoffa.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lost its theatrical release within the United States, having been dropped by Paramount due to Paramount having a tough 2016 and a lack of superheroes.

In addition to the uber gangland ensemble Godzilla versus Gamera-esque cast, some highlights are De Niro is being de-aged to 30 years for the lead role. Along with Joe Pesci being bullied out of retirement (quite literally by De Niro, ala some awards show embarrassment) for a part he didn't want, having already turned it down several times, because it "wasn't big enough".

105 million for the distro rights via Netflix. Awards bait or desperate Netflix shareholders parted with their money? Allegedly, Netflix is fixing to follow in Amazon's footsteps with a theatrical debut of its own. If you know anything about the streamer wars, they were thirsty to see who is going to get that first Oscar under their belt until Amazon cinched it. This move is likely Netflix trying to play catchup.

There is yet still a chance that we will be seeing this on the silverscreen. It would mark the first theatrical release by Netflix, should they choose to invest further.

Amazon is no stranger to that, having frontloaded the entire distribution cost up front for the pictures it has released thus far as a show of strength.

Martin Scorsese's The Irishman Heading to Netflix
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<Gold Donor>
Someone should of told these two they didn't have to wait for Don Rickles to die before working together again.

But in all seriousness, there's all-star casts and then there's this. I have reservations but this could be one of the greats.

It's probably a case of lets get the gang back together while they can -

Scorsese = 74
De Niro = 73
Pacino = 77
Pesci = 74
Keitel = 77
Cannavale = 46

Seems a bit funny to go to all that trouble of de-aging De Niro when Cannavale is the right age in the first place, but whatever.

If there's one thing Scorsese does well it's crime, much rather see him attempt this than another Silence-esque project.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Someone should of told these two they didn't have to wait for Don Rickles to die before working together again.

But in all seriousness, there's all-star casts and then there's this. I have reservations but this could be one of the greats.

It's probably a case of lets get the gang back together while they can -

Scorsese = 74
De Niro = 73
Pacino = 77
Pesci = 74
Keitel = 77
Cannavale = 46

Seems a bit funny to go to all that trouble of de-aging De Niro when Cannavale is the right age in the first place, but whatever.

If there's one thing Scorsese does well it's crime, much rather see him attempt this than another Silence-esque project.

Silence is actually the reason behind Paramount giving The Irishman a harder look according to Forbes. (no point linking it, the bastards ad-blocked their own articles). Among other reasons such as Public Enemies (2009) not doing that well, and Warner Bros's "Black Mass" nearly flopping. Paramount basically did a full review of the true crime genre, as well as the crime genre itself.

They decided there was no way The Irishman was worth the risk in 2017. Again, no superheroes? No care.

The only options for the Irishman lead were going to be someone who could convincingly play an Irishman. That narrowed it down to De Niro, Joe Pesci, and to a much lesser extent, Pacino. Cannavale was the least likely choice, despite age, doesn't even pass for Black Irish, he has that whole deep Southern Italian boy thing going on. A quintessential Italian man is his typecast for a reason and he has typically only played Italian guys in big productions.

De Niro, on the other hand, has played Irishmen before in Goodfellas (among other flicks I can't name offhand) and is obviously entirely passable as Black Irish.

cmon this Italian Stallion can play an Irishman?? He'd practically need the same special effects De Niro is going to get from that studio listed in the article...

Bobby Cannavale.jpg
bobby cannavale 2.jpg

Little bit of Black Irish potential here in his older age but still, they would have to de-age him anyway. 30 is 30.

Bobby Cannavale 3.jpg
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<Gold Donor>
De Niro is being de-aged to 30 years for the lead role.

I see where I fucked up now. Mi scusi.

And hey, get with the diversity program man. In Hollywood's current climate we're lucky it's not "The Irishman - starring Jet Li".


FPS noob
this entire thing sounds like a disaster, why is netflix paying $100+m for a movie that can't possibly be as good as Goodfellas, the gold standard for the genre?

I mean, I could understand them paying that for a TV series with a young, fresh new cast and maybe Scorcese EP'ing, ala Boardwalk Empire, but for a 1 shot 2 hour movie that seems ludicrously stupid.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
this entire thing sounds like a disaster, why is netflix paying $100+m for a movie that can't possibly be as good as Goodfellas, the gold standard for the genre?

I mean, I could understand them paying that for a TV series with a young, fresh new cast and maybe Scorcese EP'ing, ala Boardwalk Empire, but for a 1 shot 2 hour movie that seems ludicrously stupid.

Agree. A 100 M is something you budget for 10 episodes of an A-list series on Netflix. Your average AAA television show budget is about 100 M for 10 episodes (GoT, Vinyl, Westworld are all 100m per 10)

I have concerns about the whole de-aging thing in addition to the ages of the entire cast as a whole.

The entire cast is averaging 20 years over the age they are supposed to be for this time period as well as approaching 80 in some cases.

80 is 80. All I can say is, I have seen Steven Segal recently and his age affected his performance. He was winded, breathless, tired, listless and the director wouldn't even shoot him getting into a car (he couldn't even get into the car so they used a double). Walking down a tunnel, double. Driving the car, double. Breathing, double lol. I wanted classic Segal and I got some winded guy with heart problems who couldn't even deliver his lines because he was so winded.

100 M's for what might amount to a gimmicky A-list regrouping of old gangland pals? Only if the Oscar material is there. But the reality check already happened, Paramount already passed on the bid and they get first look at Scorsese's films.

People are all over this story, so a little bit more should come out since Netflix bought the whole cow and have ruffled some feathers at Paramount.

However, this is still a must-see for history buffs. Fact is, Jimmy Hoffa is at least remotely linked to the JFK assassination in some way through his now de-classified correspondence with Trafficante, who also had ties to the Bufalino family which will feature in this movie. They have my money on that alone. This time period sells, and I do see how Netflix believes it could be the next Oscar.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
on iMDB Pacino is credited to play Jimmy Hoffa. I'd rather see Joe Pesci play him, especially how Hoffa is pictured in James Ellroy's American Tabloid.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
on iMDB Pacino is credited to play Jimmy Hoffa. I'd rather see Joe Pesci play him, especially how Hoffa is pictured in James Ellroy's American Tabloid.

You'd be spot on with regards to physicality. Jimmy Hoffa was not a big man.

Jimmy was 5'7 to 5'8 and around 150 to 165 pounds. Definitely a head-scratcher from what we've seen of him. Pacino is a hell of an actor though, we can't count him out. Pacino is also the same exact physicality of Hoffa...Tough one.

Maybe it came down to whoever needs less de-aging make-up.

Just checked, you can see for yourself why the decision was made. De-aging Pacino from 77 is absolutely effortless with make-up alone-- he has kept up with his appearance with surgery and what not. Joe Pesci appears to be au natural, and honestly you can't de-age that neck and those cheekbones are not a good canvas.

He can't play Hoffa its simply not possible unfortunately. And dare I say Pacino is in better condition overall, looks aside, to give the energy this project needs? I think you would agree Pesci is lacking the vitality to deliver. Pacino is still Pacino-- we've all seen him recently acting and doing the heavy dramatic lifting. The guy is simply in shape across the board.

I am not surprised they offered Joe Pesci a very small role that he felt disrespected by and said no to. 1) he is not active as an actor, you have to be working on your craft constantly its like bodybuilding 2) too old

Joe Pesci.jpg
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Another blow to the balls after Bill Paxton this year.

Scorsese, get this shit into principle photography ...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
spronk spronk deniro looks like he's wearing a face lift and full makeup because that is considerably younger than he actually is

Pacino looks like he'll be receiving most of the CGI.

Pesci looks better than expected considering he's in the worst shape out of them.
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Millie's Staff Member
Gah I am so torn. This actually looks like it might be good, but DeNiro has turned into such a fucking cocknozzle that I am finding it difficult to be excited about seeing him in a good movie. So challenge accepted, Scorsese - make a good movie and I may even respect DeNiro in a good role.
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FPS noob
doesn't look very good. Wish they had done a TV series with new actors and brought in the old guys for a few cameos instead.

Those last moments of CGI face are horrible
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Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database