It gave me a classic Scorsese gangster movie feeling and it felt like almost every part was filled with gangster movie or TV show alum. It even had a 3 second cameo from Steven Van Zant (Silvio from the Sopranos & E Street Band) as the singer at the Copacabana(?). I am happy they were able to talk Pesci into doing one last movie. It was great seeing the old guys out there giving a command performance and I really didn't notice the de-aging CGI after seeing it a few times at the beginning.
For reference, top tier Scorsese movies, for me, are The Departed, Gangs of New York, Casino, and Goodfellas; all movies I have seen 7+ times. I would rank The Irishman as a mid tier Scorsese movie, along with Shutter Island, The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street, Raging Bull, and Taxi Driver; that is to say, movies I have watched 3 or 4 times. I imagine it will sweep up a bunch of awards (especially since there are not that there are many good movies to compete against this year).
Scorsese is one of my top 3 favorite directors, and this movie hit all those nostalgia notes, so I'm sure that alone adds to the score.