I'm the same. I haven't listed to a single episode since the spotify move and caught a few clips on YouTube that were mildly interesting, but the guests are just shit. I think the last full podcast I caught was the Brett Weinstein one where he laid out the absolute perfect and convincing case for why COVID19 was almost certainly cultivated in a Chinese lab.
I listened to JRE because he'd have on Rhonda Patrick and Dom D'agastino and other doctors that were trying to be on the cutting edge of health and medicine and would tell you shit that your GP hasn't even thought to hear about. I also liked Graham Hancock and all the other rebel scientists that would come on there and say that all the other scientists are fags because they won't think outside the box and listen to new evidence. I also enjoyed the super endurance athletes and the oddball celebs that were C and D list but had amazing stories.
I don't have any time for the bullshit guests he has on now. It is all entertainment and athletes that are annoying, or someone hyping a new book or movie or TV show. They talk about nothing important or edgy and it is all just annoying now. I don't hate Joe or his success or money. I would have sold out the exact same way. I just am not going to keep listening to it when it is trash.
Like, where is Sam Harris. He has been a turbofag for the last 5 years, but he was at least interesting to listen to on JRE. Joe would push him enough to make him look at other sides of issues and he was intelligent enough to at least admit that he might be full of shit and biased. There isn't a single ounce of that anymore.