The Last of Us


Lord Nagafen Raider
i'm never playing TLOU2 so i don't care about spoilers so ignore this if you want to "play unspoiled", but did TLOU2 really show there were multiple people immune?

and yeah fuck Abbie, i don't care about the SJW shit (which this game definitely has in HEAPS) but destroying Joel's legacy and making people play as a fugly roided out bitch is lame as fuck. Its just part of the agenda of convincing everyone that idealizing standards of strong masculine men and beautiful, feminine women is part of the patriarchy, wrong, yadda yadda. I won't support that in any way, those people can go die in a fire.

Lara Croft, Cassandra from AC Odyssey, Aloy from HZD, etc are all great strong female characters because they look female and yet are capable and amazing. Abby is just a dumb as fuck character. Sure, if you wanna transplant your world into Gears of War where everyone is roided out to look like Minecraft square characters, thats fine, but don't give me bullshit about how the world of TLOU is "almost real" and then do shit like Abby. Yes, there are women that can look like Abby but they require 6-10 hours a day of training and huge number of people to support that lifestyle, you could probably count on two hands the number of real women that look like that and none will look like that after 4 months of crossing a post apocalyptic America surviving on 1 burrito a day.

Like I said in my previous post, I don't think anyone but Ellie was known to be immune. I'm pretty sure that was a lie Joel told Ellie to try and cover up what he had done.

I completely agree about the physical embodiment of Abby. She was unrealistically huge and it detracted from her character. They showed her getting progressively bigger in each flashback. In the 3 years prior when her dad was alive, she actually resembled a young girl. She was actually pretty skinny again at the end when Ellie catches up to her. She had been in captivity for months at that point and was only slightly larger than Ellie.

Ellie was all wiry muscle, which made sense for the conditions they would be living under.


<Prior Amod>
Like I said in my previous post, I don't think anyone but Ellie was known to be immune. I'm pretty sure that was a lie Joel told Ellie to try and cover up what he had done.
if you played the mp3 recorder from abbys father, ellie is an anomaly


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
“On December 1, 2020, Page came out as transgender on his social media accounts, specified his pronouns as he/him and they/them, and revealed his new name, Elliot Page.[91][4]While his post to social media did not explicitly describe his gender identity beyond "I am trans, my pronouns are he/they", subsequent reporting included that he "describes himself as transgender and non-binary",[4][92] and in GLAAD's press release, Nick Adams, their Director of Transgender Media, stated that Page "will now be an inspiration to countless trans and non-binary people"

I don’t even know what the fuck that means, but probably makes more sense than the plot of the Last of us 2. Is Binary not a they/them pronoun or this that? Non binary sounds racist against binarys if they can’t share the same pronouns.

I think? Asking for Ambiturner Ambiturner
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
I like that this has literally nothing to do with Last of Us, but for some reason I'm ok with it being in this thread.

Well, the character that might as well've been designed in her likeness was nearly beaten to death by a tranny so...

Life imitates art.
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Lol they are fucked

jack nicholson laughing GIF
  • 1Worf
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Fuck this piece of shit company. It’s time we cancel their sorry asses.
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FPS noob
noob, you pay $200 for the Ellie edition so you can have a backpack just like ellie so Tranbo can eat it for protein

also i lul'd when TGA announced the actress for Abbie won something, and its like "wait... she looks nothing like Tranbo... whats going on..." I just don't get this

  • 1Mother of God
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Trakanon Raider
Well it was one of the best selling games of the year.... just saying. Personally I have not played either TLOU games.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Won’t ever touch a game from these cucks ever again.
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