The Last of Us


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Left wing cancel culture SJWs are just as bad as the alt-right racist/misogynist crowd.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Half the memes thread is shit you probably see on the daily stormer or stormfront or whatever the fuck it was called. Granted, it's mostly from Pysek...
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I still can’t figure out who is alt right exactly. Just criticizing the sjws has gotten people like Jordan Peterson Or Sargon characterized as alt right, which is absolutely insane. Milo is/was just a troll too.
Maybe someone like molyneax? Uses iq data in bad faith to insinuate things , pretty much misrepresenting Charles Murray’s book. Not sure what his agenda is but seems alt-rightey. Can’t think of anyone else.


<Prior Amod>
I still can’t figure out who is alt right exactly. Just criticizing the sjws has gotten people like Jordan Peterson Or Sargon characterized as alt right, which is absolutely insane. Milo is/was just a troll too.
Maybe someone like molyneax? Uses iq data in bad faith to insinuate things , pretty much misrepresenting Charles Murray’s book. Not sure what his agenda is but seems alt-rightey. Can’t think of anyone else.
Daezuel Daezuel 's is the correct answer


Avatar of War Slayer
Playing a bit at a time.

meh. pretty, gameplay fun enough. Story makes sense to me so far but I’m still rolling my eyes a lot.

I went from doing a typical hoardstealth playthru to lol ammo everywhere shoot em up around 4hrs in.

First game was just so much more intense to play, personally

I have I think 4skill journals and they’re not very inspiring.

polished enough I don’t regret anything


Avatar of War Slayer

i am getting this feeling. i struggled to say regret because the money sink doesn't phase me as much say, 10 years ago, than today. So dropping 60 for a couple of solid game sessions ain't bad when its at least polished.

at first aiming was terrible, but this is one of those "ima get high" games.

game does a really good job of making you "go the right way" when you feel like you're actually exploring.


<Prior Amod>
i am getting this feeling. i struggled to say regret because the money sink doesn't phase me as much say, 10 years ago, than today. So dropping 60 for a couple of solid game sessions ain't bad when its at least polished.

at first aiming was terrible, but this is one of those "ima get high" games.

game does a really good job of making you "go the right way" when you feel like you're actually exploring.
not really

in the beginning there are only like 8buildings you can go into and all the other 40building have vines and shit growning on the doors, so you just think, well i can only go in places with no vines or a store made out of glass.


Avatar of War Slayer
I will admit being a 115lb girl breaks the fuck out of immersion when you’re in more meleee heavy game play.
at least make some bs up about spores making her stronger


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've stalled currently in playing the game shortly into my time with Abby. I'll try and pick it up again soon, but so far, I have not found Abby enjoyable to play.
I enjoyed the game up to that point. I avoided direct melee confrontations and resorted to stealth kills, so most of my time was spent with bow and arrow or silenced 9mm in the tall grass. I did feel that Ellie's progression up to this point felt realistic and believable. She was pretty singular minded up until the 2 people she killed in the aquarium, and it felt natural that she would lose steam to find Abby after that. I've avoided spoilers, so I'm not sure what journey Abby goes through or what happens between Ellie and Abby after I get caught up in Abby's timeline. But with how hard the game is trying to make me like Abby so far, its turning me off. Just doesn't feel natural the way she is presented.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, I took a fairly long break from playing this game, but finally picked it back up again. I avoided watching spoilers/review videos until I was done and I'm glad I did. I'll probably take some heat for this, but I found it to be just as good as the first installment. The environments and music are amazing and in my opinion add just as much emotional impact to the game as does the story. Some of my favorite moments in the game were played as Abby in the end such as descending from the sky bridge in that crazy torn up hotel, and of course, the Rat King in the Hospital basement.

The story seems to be what most people hate on, but I felt that it worked well. I'll spare you all the psychobabble and emotional analysis, and just leave it that the direction NaughtyDog took was clear and satisfactory to me by the end of the game. I could empathize with the actions of both Abby and Ellie and agreed with their individual resolutions of the conflict between them.

And, the SJW shit people talk about was a non-issue to me. I couldn't care less about Ellie's sexuality and found Dina to be a fairly likeable character. Abby never came off as trans to me (and I think most people only thought that from the trailers. She seemed to be a regular old hetero girl, just unrealistically big and de-feminized). And Lev was only really discussed as trans briefly and ostracizing him is exactly what I would expect from the type of religious group that the Seraphites were. So I didn't personally feel that any of it was thrown in my face or "agenda-pushing".

In closing, I would definitely play TLOU 3 if it gets made. Still my favorite franchise to date (next to maybe the Ultima series of PC games).

Time to move on to HZD, RDR2, or AC: Odyssey.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Even if the SJW shit is taken out of the equasion and we ignore the obvious roid tranny monster, this is the story you are left with:

1) Characters you bonded with in first game are systematically destroyed, literally in Joel's case, and made to be monsters.

2) Roid Monster who did the destroying is what you are forced to play for most of the game AFTER said destruction has already taken place.

3) Only thing that could have made the straight guy cheating on his girl to cornhole Roidmonster on screen more cringe would be making it a Quick Time event, like every other railroad narrative section in this series.

4) Game ends with Joel dead, Ellie completely broken and alone, and Roid monster with his tranny sidekick having no goal. Even Ellies bond with Joel was trashed.

5) And thats ignoring that they basically demolished the one compelling reason to focus on Ellie by making it so there were lots of immunes.

6) There is literally no character arc in this game beyond Ellie and Roid Monster destroying their lives over vengeance. None. First game had the father daughter relationship evolve, the Tess epiphany, and like a half dozen other subtexts going on at various points. This one had Ellie kills anything in her way to get to target. Roidmonster is doing exactly the same thing the entire game, when he is not offering up the browneye to his friend's boyfriends.

7) Infected factor into nothing in the game's story and are rarely even what you are killing.

If you want to discuss whats good in that game, the story is about the last thing to focus on. I did not play it personally (watched footage and discussed it with those who did) but basically those issues leaking were enough for me to nope out of any Naughty Dog game ever again. And the proof is in the numbers, when you look at an actually well written revenge game in Ghosts of Tsushima compared to this game, especially for people willing to replay it. This game is Picard to the first installment's Next Generation, particularly in that the worst possible people got creative control instead of the people who made the first one so good.
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<Prior Amod>
If you want to discuss whats good in that game, the story is about the last thing to focus on. I did not play it personally (watched footage and discussed it with those who did) but basically those issues leaking were enough for me to nope out of any Naughty Dog game ever again. And the proof is in the numbers, when you look at an actually well written revenge game in Ghosts of Tsushima compared to this game, especially for people willing to replay it. This game is Picard to the first installment's Next Generation, particularly in that the worst possible people got creative control instead of the people who made the first one so good.
yea, what'd i rate this shit 6/10?, i internally lowered that score when i played a real game like GoT to 4/10


Lord Nagafen Raider
Even if the SJW shit is taken out of the equasion and we ignore the obvious roid tranny monster, this is the story you are left with:

1) Characters you bonded with in first game are systematically destroyed, literally in Joel's case, and made to be monsters.

2) Roid Monster who did the destroying is what you are forced to play for most of the game AFTER said destruction has already taken place.

3) Only thing that could have made the straight guy cheating on his girl to cornhole Roidmonster on screen more cringe would be making it a Quick Time event, like every other railroad narrative section in this series.

4) Game ends with Joel dead, Ellie completely broken and alone, and Roid monster with his tranny sidekick having no goal. Even Ellies bond with Joel was trashed.

5) And thats ignoring that they basically demolished the one compelling reason to focus on Ellie by making it so there were lots of immunes.

6) There is literally no character arc in this game beyond Ellie and Roid Monster destroying their lives over vengeance. None. First game had the father daughter relationship evolve, the Tess epiphany, and like a half dozen other subtexts going on at various points. This one had Ellie kills anything in her way to get to target. Roidmonster is doing exactly the same thing the entire game, when he is not offering up the browneye to his friend's boyfriends.

7) Infected factor into nothing in the game's story and are rarely even what you are killing.

If you want to discuss whats good in that game, the story is about the last thing to focus on. I did not play it personally (watched footage and discussed it with those who did) but basically those issues leaking were enough for me to nope out of any Naughty Dog game ever again. And the proof is in the numbers, when you look at an actually well written revenge game in Ghosts of Tsushima compared to this game, especially for people willing to replay it. This game is Picard to the first installment's Next Generation, particularly in that the worst possible people got creative control instead of the people who made the first one so good.
1) Joel was definitely dispatched with extreme prejudice, but I don't really see him getting turned into a monster. Tommy was able to understand his decision and didn't judge him for it. Ellie was pissed probably because she has survivor's guilt and wanted her life to mean something (i.e. providing a cure). She never felt she should have survived her bite when so many others she cared about died. He took the choice away from her and she was having a hard time coming to grips with that. Based on the last cutscene though, they were working towards repairing the loss of trust in their relationship. So I don't think he was being treated as a monster. The whole game was just centered around the consequences of his choice.

2) Yeah, you play the whole first half of the game despising Abby for what she did to Joel and going after her relentlessly. Then you get forced to play it from Abby's perspective. Her motivation is pretty simple. Joel killed her dad, who she was very close to, who was also trying to save the world. We have no idea if his efforts would have succeeded or if he was just murdering Ellie. But we get to see Abby's friends pulling away from her in the quest for vengeance and in the aftermath of it, her relationships are pretty strained. But by the end of Seattle Day 2, Abby's motivations have changed quite a bit as she tries to regain some of her humanity. I doubt she ever regrets killing Joel, but I also don't think she really needs to. Her motivations are easy to understand and empathize with, despite the fact that we all liked Joel from TLOU1. The point of the story is that in a world that has turned to shit, everyone is the hero of their own story and the villian of someone else's. No paladins here.

3) That scene was awful and did nothing for the narrative. It was definitely cringeworthy.

4) Agreed, its a dark and depressing game. But I felt that it was also realistic in addressing the motivations and attempts at redemption of all involved. As for Joel and Ellie, she was understandably pissed about Joel lying to her. I also think that response would be completely justified. She as much as said that she was supposed to die to give that hope back to the world, because she has had survivor's guilt that so many she cared about are dead. She says all that in her speech to Joel in the epilogue of the first. He took that purpose from her and lied about it. But we see in the last cutscene, that she understands his motivation and tells him she wants to figure out how to forgive him, paving the way for a more honest relationship in the future. That process was interrupted by Abby of course and represents one aspect of her rage.

5) Did this actually happen? I think I remember Joel telling Ellie that there were other immunes when she asked about the hospital, but I took that as a lie to cover up why she was alive and they were leaving the hospital. I don't remember from any of the artifacts in the hospital in TLOU1 an indication that there were other immune people. There would have been no reason to hide it in Jackson in TLOU2 if there were many immune. My understanding was that Ellie remains the only known immune. Ellie even tells Dina who doesn't believe her until Ellie's gas mask gets broken.

6) I would disagree here. Abby's progression is more in your face than Ellie's. During the prologue, you already see Owen starting to push back against her single-mindedness. When you start playing her in Seattle Day 1, she sees the distance some of that crew are giving her. By mid Seattle Day 2, she is abandoning her desire to fight the Seraphites, and pretty much all of Day 3 is just trying to regain her humanity by protecting Lev. She even lets Ellie and pregnant Dina live after Ellie killed Owen and pregnant Mel because she doesn't like how monstrous she looks in Lev's eyes. And she leaves, she wants no more part of the violence and goes to follow up on Owen's dream of rejoining the Fireflies to help humanity. Ellie's path to redemption comes mainly as an epiphany right at the end, but you could maybe make a case that she didn't even want to go to Santa Barbara until Tommy came and guilted her into it. As an aside, Abby didn't even seem to have anger at Ellie at this point and only fought her to protect Lev. But ultimately Ellie had to come to grips with that her singular focus on revenge was costing her her future as well, and she symbolically leaves all of Joel's stuff behind in the farmhouse as she leaves to reclaim a future with Dina and the baby. So both characters went from a mission of revenge to realizing that the cost of that revenge was exceedingly high on themselves.

7) Agreed, this was far more about the interactions between the human survivors and the pandemic was more of a backdrop to support the clannish behavior. I'd still get way more tense fighting clickers, stalkers, bloaters, shamblers than the humans though.

I recognize that its a very polarizing game and ND pissed off a lot of fans. I don't know if it was the right choice given they could have come up with a story that didn't affect how people thought of Joel and Ellie, but it was a bold choice. With the understanding that all of the characters were shades of grey, despite our notions about some of them from the first game, I found the actions realistic and understandable, given how I think the remains of humanity would act in a world such as this.
I have heard good things about GoT and watched a few gameplay videos so I imagine I'll pick that up eventually. We'll see if changes my perception of the story of TLOU2.

Spoiler tags in case anyone reading this thread is still planning on playing TLOU2


FPS noob
i'm never playing TLOU2 so i don't care about spoilers so ignore this if you want to "play unspoiled", but did TLOU2 really show there were multiple people immune?

and yeah fuck Abbie, i don't care about the SJW shit (which this game definitely has in HEAPS) but destroying Joel's legacy and making people play as a fugly roided out bitch is lame as fuck. Its just part of the agenda of convincing everyone that idealizing standards of strong masculine men and beautiful, feminine women is part of the patriarchy, wrong, yadda yadda. I won't support that in any way, those people can go die in a fire.

Lara Croft, Cassandra from AC Odyssey, Aloy from HZD, etc are all great strong female characters because they look female and yet are capable and amazing. Abby is just a dumb as fuck character. Sure, if you wanna transplant your world into Gears of War where everyone is roided out to look like Minecraft square characters, thats fine, but don't give me bullshit about how the world of TLOU is "almost real" and then do shit like Abby. Yes, there are women that can look like Abby but they require 6-10 hours a day of training and huge number of people to support that lifestyle, you could probably count on two hands the number of real women that look like that and none will look like that after 4 months of crossing a post apocalyptic America surviving on 1 burrito a day.


Karazhan Raider
i'm never playing TLOU2 so i don't care about spoilers so ignore this if you want to "play unspoiled", but did TLOU2 really show there were multiple people immune?

and yeah fuck Abbie, i don't care about the SJW shit (which this game definitely has in HEAPS) but destroying Joel's legacy and making people play as a fugly roided out bitch is lame as fuck. Its just part of the agenda of convincing everyone that idealizing standards of strong masculine men and beautiful, feminine women is part of the patriarchy, wrong, yadda yadda. I won't support that in any way, those people can go die in a fire.

Lara Croft, Cassandra from AC Odyssey, Aloy from HZD, etc are all great strong female characters because they look female and yet are capable and amazing. Abby is just a dumb as fuck character. Sure, if you wanna transplant your world into Gears of War where everyone is roided out to look like Minecraft square characters, thats fine, but don't give me bullshit about how the world of TLOU is "almost real" and then do shit like Abby. Yes, there are women that can look like Abby but they require 6-10 hours a day of training and huge number of people to support that lifestyle, you could probably count on two hands the number of real women that look like that and none will look like that after 4 months of crossing a post apocalyptic America surviving on 1 burrito a day.
Don’t forget that along with all that, everyone wants to bang Tranbo.
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