While it might be for a small minority, the vast majority of people upset with shit like this isn't racism, it's about tradition. Snow White is Anglo. Mulan is asian. Alexander Hamilton was white. History matters. Facts matter. Our Founders were white British expats. Saying they were black a thousand times wont make them any less white. Want to appeal to a minority audience? Make new shit based on minority characters. And make a good product. Tuskegee Airmen is full of African Americans playing African Americans. And its enjoyable because its a well done movie. The best episode of Westworld S2 ia all about a native american and starred a native American playing a native American. This shit isnt fucking rocket scientist.
And when some woke SJW wants to tell me that characters in movies and TV should be colorblind, I want to know when they are going to cast Tom Hardy as Dr. Martin Luthor King.