Posted this in a CRPG thread but it belongs here instead.
I've determined that there's a weird formula going on in The Entertainment Industry:
Step 1: Find an iconic female redhead character that's beloved by millions of people.
Step 2: Start re-making that property.
(The fanbase gets excited)
Step 3: Re-cast the iconic redhead as a black woman.
Step 4: Center the marketing around showing everyone that the iconic redhead has been replaced.
(The fanbase is a little off-put because one of their favorite characters now looks nothing like what they grew up with)
Step 5: Wait for all of the usual suspect websites to praise your remake for being diverse, and have your marketing department rail against the "racist backlash" forming online.
(The fanbase argues: Some about why they would rather see it be faithful to the character they grew up with, some about the importance of diversity in movies)
Step 6: Marketing machine reaches a fever pitch; articles everywhere online about how courageous the remake is and how it's going to be a hit, "shutting down" all the Racist Trolls.
(The fanbase just gets tired and goes "okay, sure", then fucks off)
Step 7: Release the remake to all kinds of "acclaim" from astroturfed sources: Website fluff pieces, etc. Bonus points if you can get Rottentomatoes to delete any negative reviews.
Step 8: Remake totally bombs at the box office and hardly anyone goes to see it. Makes 5-10 million, or maybe it loses money altogether.
Step 9: Have the producers go on Twitter and blame "toxic white men" and a "culture of racism" for the failure of the remake. Articles everywhere about how the movie failed because our society is racist and won't accept black women.
(No one cares anymore)
Step 10: Wait a month, then start over at Step 1.