This show watches like low budget sci-fi with bad writing, change my mind. Firefly is a 20x more interesting space cowboy than Mandoboreian.
I watched the first three episodes of Season 2 with my fifteen-year-old nephew and found myself drifting off to sleep, or on my phone, etc. in every episode. In that sense, Season 2 is much like the latter part of Season 1.
The first few episodes of Season 1 were great. What happened? What am I missing here? Why do people like this show?
its star warsWhat am I missing here? Why do people like this show?
its star wars
no one would watch this dreck if it was any other IP
It's about equal with The Witcher in every important way other than linear story telling and I think 1 or 3 people watched that. Looks like you're wrong again.
Oh wow so shocking. I never expected you to call netflix's highest rated show ever garbage. Whether it's garbage or not doesn't matter. You claimed no one would watch this if it wasn't star wars. The Witcher proves you wrong.
You're so edgy bro. I bet you don't need a razor to shave. KUWTK was garbage that aired for 15 years and somehow that means no one watched it? I don't even know wtf KUWTK is. Just laughing at your interpretation of the facts as you laid them out.
Oh wow so shocking. I never expected you to call netflix's highest rated show ever garbage. Whether it's garbage or not doesn't matter. You claimed no one would watch this if it wasn't star wars. The Witcher proves you wrong.
To me the witcher is nothing but a series. There was no lore from anywhere else coloring my judgement. But even if there was, you specifically called out STAR WARS IP. You did not leave that open ended or specify that it not be part of any IP. Unless you're trying to say The Witcher is really star wars, you're just fucking flailing here and making a fool of yourself.
Being highest rated and being garbage isnt mutually exclusive.
Without a pre-existing IP that already has done the yeoman's work of building worlds, lore and stories - neither The Mandalorian nor Witcher could stand on their own as serialized TV shows because they're just not good shows.
At best they're just warmed over copies of shows like Hercules, Xena, stuff that local networks would show in syndication,
But you know what is mutually exclusive? "Highly Rated" and "Nobody Watching"
It's like "Araysar" and "Honest"
What does the pre-existing lore bring to the table when I didn't consume any of it? The shows in The Witcher stand on their own. Are you saying the existence of it is what matters? So what, they just need writers? Because that's what writers do. Maybe your point is that they need more writers to make the rich deep lore that you crave in the same way putin craves cock. How many writers did they have for each episode of Outer Limits or Black Mirror? No fucking lore or external world building there. They built the world they needed inside of each episode. I'm sure you thought they were both garbage so don't bother even saying it but once again, people watched. The claim you made is that people wouldn't watch it unless it was part of the Star Wars IP.
Wait. Oh shit is Black Mirror part of Star Wars? Holy shit that makes so much sense now; THAT must be the only reason people watched it.
So let me get this straight. In araysayer world, Hercules has no lore to back it up?
He is Russian. His folkore is a queen getting crushed while fucking a horse, an old bitch who lived in a grass hut propped up on one chicken leg, and winter winning all their wars for them. Edge lording is all he has. Sometimes its great, sometimes not, but like everyone else you take the good with the bad.So let me get this straight. In araysayer world, Hercules has no lore to back it up?
Heroes season 1 was pretty fucking cool. it all went downhill from there. but you could make season 1 into a hell of a standalone movie.I mean, as painful as it is to say this, he's not wrong. The reason so much of this show is enjoyable is because of all the other SW universe tie-ins. That said, as a show on its own I don't think it's garbage, but it wouldn't obviously float this popularity. I could see it succeeding though especially the second some one saw Grogu levitate the Mudhorn and be like "OH WHAT?" Remember how awful Heros was and normies ATE THAT SHIT UP. That in a Sci Fi setting with aliens and spaceships and shit? It'd definitely do well.
I dont know where to even start.
Why would you compare Outer Limits or Black Mirror to serialized story telling when the entire premise of those 2 shows is standalone story telling? Do they have same characters from one episode to the next? Dumb.
Why does it matter if anyone is watching? We're not debating the quantity of viewers. Dumb.
no one would watch this dreck if it was any other IP
no one would watch this dreck if it was any other IP
no one would watch this dreck if it was any other IP
To prove to you that you don't need a heavy dose of pre-existing lore to build a good world. Because that's what you claimed.
Oh really?
That's exactly what we're talking about.
RL pic of arasayer and his son
I mean, as painful as it is to say this, he's not wrong. The reason so much of this show is enjoyable is because of all the other SW universe tie-ins. That said, as a show on its own I don't think it's garbage, but it wouldn't obviously float this popularity. I could see it succeeding though especially the second some one saw Grogu levitate the Mudhorn and be like "OH WHAT?" Remember how awful Heros was and normies ATE THAT SHIT UP. That in a Sci Fi setting with aliens and spaceships and shit? It'd definitely do well.
lol, did you really take a throw away figure of speech and built your entire argument around it?
is this what this is all about?
i'd be really embarrassed if I were you right now