The show isnt THAT bad, I mean cmon. The last few episodes of season 2 have been fantastic (refugee frog woman aside). I dont understand what more people want.
Lets just look at the original trilogy (episodes 4, 5 and 6). What were the top 3 events/set pieces/sequences from those 3 films? Like what segments stand out to you as true Star Wars magic? Take that, and combine it with the small amount of quality action from Episodes 1, 2 and 3 and you have the bread and butter of Star Wars and what makes it Star Wars to an individual based on what they enjoy.
In my case, just to give an example, I would say the space battle scenes from Episodes 4, 5 and 6, along with Luke and Vader fights, and probably the stuff on Bespin. There wasnt really any other Vader shit that comes to mind, the fight with Obi Wan Im not sure most people would reference as a high point. Anyway, combine that with say, the Anakin pod race, young Obi Wan and Qui Gon Jin fighting Darth Maul, and finally the Clone CGI orgy vs the Jedi/Order 66 stuff.
When I look at all of those "Star Wars" moments that mean the most to me as far as quality and identity, and then compare them to what we have seen from The Mandolorian the last couple of weeks? The Mandolorian's best stuff throughout the first 2 seasons so far has been just as quality as any other of those original 6 movie moments IMO. I would even put the Ashoka Tano Mando scene above most of almost everything from ANY Star Wars movie.
I think they are doing a pretty great job with this, I mean yea it could be better, but everything could be better.
(and no Im not even going to reference Episodes 7, 8 and 9, literally nothing from those movies has stuck with me as entertaining/impactful. It feels better to just forget about them.)