Blackwing Lair Raider
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Maybe it's because our expectation are now so low that we can be thrilled by anything.. !Can someone explain to me why The Mandalorian is so popular, but the new Star Wars movies aren't? (I'm not being a smartass)
I'm not a huge star wars fan, but I liked the original 3 movies. I don't really follow what adheres to the SW universe and what doesn't or anything like that, but I didn't like the movies with young Anakin, teenage Anakin or jar jar Binks because all 3 of them were fucking annoying. I tried watching one of the newer movies 4 times and just couldn't ever get in to it. There's an X-wing pilot in "Rogue One" that I like, but anything else I've seen in the newer movies was completely forgettable. I haven't watched the last jedi.
All that being said, I like the Mandalorian because I like Pedro & Favreau....but the overall tone of the show feels pretty similar to me as the newer star wars movies. There's a shit ton of very predictable tropes and most of the episodes I feel like I know what's going to happen by the end within 5 minutes of the start.
I'm not trying to criticize the Mandalorian, but I don't understand why "true star wars fans" like Mando but not the newer movies?
But my biggest grip of E7-9 is the main protagonist is a Mary-Sue, we can't relate to it, there are no struggles where we can see her overcome it using what she learned. it completly weakens everything. No training, no master, she probably never encoutered someone with the force yet can use it. That would be my biggest grip about the star wars stuff.
Generally speaking, outside of star wars stuff, there is a complete lack of - pardon my poor english here - representation of the opposing forces. On one side we have the knight of ren, the new empire stuff, etc. and on the other side ? They build a fucking star destroyer, yet their biggest enemies are .. ? if you read the novel you probably know, but I didnt and it felt competly off. Even in E1-3 we knew there were at least a few peacefull places.
In my opinion, they tried to make the final battle too big, and it becomes shallow. Mandalorian is exactly the opposite, and it fleshes out the world, making it feel much closer to what we know about it. Mando had never seen the force before, so it forces us to see the jedi through his eyes and it makes us think " yeah that must be pretty amazing to see" . They don't overuse it. It was just right.
tldr : mando focus on small stories, creating a super rich world. Ep 7-9 is a huge battle between the bigger badder darker force and Rey, a girl.