It's pretty good/solid. I mean it's not The Wire or Arrested Development, but better than any of the movies since the 80s.Are we sure this is actually good? Or is it more likely that it's just good in comparison to 30 years of complete shit? It's a pretty low bar that Favreau needs to pass to a certain extent.
Yall racist ass crackas
I just want to know what the creepy scientist/doctor wants with Yodel. Sure it could be a totally benevolent reason he wanted the asset returned alive, but he's an Imperial Scientist so I'm gonna have to say that's unlikely.
I very much like the show, but this part, exactly, made me wonder if Lucas Arts is still doing lore checks or did Disney give Favreau free reign within reason. Even the Mandalorian faction Death Watch, the hardcore old code warrior separatists, kill the Jedi, kick out the Republic, in the Clone Wars series, took off thier helmet, outside of battle, all the time.
For about 2 days, I had the Wilhelm Scream as my text message sound. My (now X) wife was never more adamant than when she told me to remove that. I should put that back just for her texts now...yea, but when you hear wilhelm scream, you think of either starwars or indy
Are we sure this is actually good? Or is it more likely that it's just good in comparison to 30 years of complete shit? It's a pretty low bar that Favreau needs to pass to a certain extent.
Imagine this show reskinned for any other generic sci-fi IP with same plot, same action sequences, similar characters and then realize how low the bar has been set.
But thats how simple Star Wars actually is. Its not all space dog fights and laser sword showdowns. Luke was just a simple farm boy who wanted to leave home to do more with his boring life.Imagine this show reskinned for any other generic sci-fi IP with same plot, same action sequences, similar characters and then realize how low the bar has been set.
But thats how simple Star Wars actually is. Its not all space dog fights and laser sword showdowns. Luke was just a simple farm boy who wanted to leave home to do more with his boring life.
Yeah, sure, i'm a 70s and 80s kid, lots of boring scif to go around back then. Its completely fine to me, though i am a bit sad we only got to see mando do his actual job twice before he tossed it all out the not even talking about the death stars and the light sabers
im just talking about how flat the plot and the characters are.
almost halfway through the season and the protagonist and the plot are flatter than Tatooine desert. Imagine this is a brand new sci-fi IP and these are its first 3 episodes. Are you still watching it?
Yeah, sure, i'm a 70s and 80s kid, lots of boring scif to go around back then. Its completely fine to me, though i am a bit sad we only got to see mando do his actual job twice before he tossed it all out the window.
Rush hour was amazing, those two deserve an oscar.Oh please, as if you could tell these two apart