Millie's Staff Member
There was the one scene in ep 4 which started my warning bells. When cara was training the stupid males how to thrust a pointy stick, meanwhile mando is training the women how to be deadshots with blasters. Then i realized that it could be explained as the men being more useful as the melee while the chicks stayed behind going pew pew pew. Speaking of, did anyone else get a Vasquez in Aliens vibe from Cara wielding the m60 blaster rifle? I kept expecting her to scream, "lets rock!".it never came up with me and I'm sensitive to it. Nothing in this show tripped off diversity hire sensors at any point. It didn't come up with Lando back in 1980 either. There's ways to cast black men without slamming virtue down everyones throats that was lost in the 2000's.
Overall impressed, given current climate.
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