I predict they never find Planet Yoda, just for the simple fact there never was one before. George never said anything about it. So unless george tells them the origin planet, it will probably just remain a mystery.
Are Gamorreans people though?Force choke? Luke did it in RotJ to one or two of those pig looking guards.
ackshually Burg is a Devaronian and there is absolutely nothing in the lore of the race (which is one of the more frequently used and well established ones) that indicates an immunity to a direct flame thrower attack.You really need to wonder why the demon man is flame resistant?
this is the only lore i need to know about.ackshually Burg is a Devaronian and there is absolutely nothing in the lore of the race (which is one of the more frequently used and well established ones) that indicates an immunity to a direct flame thrower attack.
But apparently fire and heat that can melt droids and combat armor in seconds is something you can just overcome with sufficient willpower.
I'm pretty sure he is from the Italian planet.
Need to get one of the GOT battle episode directors to give us an hour long flashback episode of the Empire buttfucking the Mandalorians. Set up Darth Gus and show him getting the Darksaber.
I'd certainly love to know how they found the time to muster an army to not only take Mandalore by force but apparently do a full on purge, seeing as how they were thrown off of Mandalore shortly before A New Hope. Or what the fuck some other Moff was doing in Tarkin's territory.
Also Gideaon wasn't a Moff when the purge happened. He was an ISB officer
Forgot about that part. Still fucking stupid considering that Sabine didn't look like someone who'd just had her people and family wiped out during the finale of Rebels. Mandalore being purged just doesn't fucking fit and it rustles my jimmies something fierce.
Forgot about that part. Still fucking stupid considering that Sabine didn't look like someone who'd just had her people and family wiped out during the finale of Rebels. Mandalore being purged just doesn't fucking fit and it rustles my jimmies something fierce.
Because she looked happy to see her friends for 30 seconds it nullifies any chance she was devastated and grieving? You're making a huge assumption based on a tiny, tiny scene, aren't you?
I'd imagine that the story regarding the sack of Mandalore isn't something they will glance.. esp given that we were given the significance over Gideon, and Mando's relation..
The shows ending high note was tehe find BY's kind, but the real beef story seems to be Moff Gideon, Mando, and the dark saber.. BY will just be the thing that keeps their paths in sync.
Doesn't Rebels happen before ANH, is it improbable that these events happen in/around ANH - ESB - RoTJ?