Ssraeszha Raider
- 16,119
- 19,683
the director should take all the blame. its their production. even if an exec sticks their oversized nose in something and tells them they want more cowbell. the director can choose to tell them NO and do what they want. that can lead to them getting fired, which is what happened to Edgar Wright with Ant-Man. Ant-Man was a passion project of Wright's and he thought (naively) he could make whatever movie he fucking wanted. Feige said, nuh huh. Wright probably told him to fuck off and then got his ass fired. all for what? some stupid fight scene with Falcon? in the case of the Marvels, Da Costa. directed and wrote the movie. there is no way around it. this was her movie, good or bad. it was bad. when it started screening. the execs flipped at how bad it was and demanded a bunch of reshoots and delayed the movie several times. DaCosta had other engagements and just walked off to do them while this movie went down in flames. Feige had to step in, do the reshoots, edit as much cringe out of this as possible and then put this trainwreck out to die. of course nobody is publicly blaming her because she is a PoC and invulnerable to such criticism.
That's crazy argument to make for it all being on the director. The actors could refuse to follow the script, the cameraman could refuse to roll the camera, hell the power company could shut off the power.