Tranny Chaser
How did they explain that?
"The power of The One extends beyond the Matrix."
Reloaded and Revolutions each have multiple throwaway dialogue lines designed to fix problems.
How did they explain that?
An Agent Smith face turn is the first idea I've heard that might interest me in this movie.Seeing how it all turned out rather than go with the Jesus 2.0 path I'd have rather they ripped off DBZ (for more than just the final fight scene in Revolutions) and had Morpheous and Trinity also ascend as we learn all human beings everywhere have this impossible potential that the machines cannot comprehend. Have a human character be introduced that, while still plugged in, can resist an Agent's influence. Give Smith a Vegeta character arc in which he develops a grudging respect/rivalry for Neo as he too yearns for true freedom.
An Agent Smith face turn is the first idea I've heard that might interest me in this movie.
i only saw Revolution maybe twice, i dont even remember if they ignore it or blew it off as nothing. i dont understand it. they filmed 2 and 3 simultaneously and it should have been a major point of the film. i guess they threw that in there to fuck with people and get them to watch part 3,How did they explain that?
The only acceptable way to remake this is to have Keanu play Neo again, only this time he is John Wick when in the Matrix. And his cute puppy is a 165 pound homicidal rottweiler when he jacks in.
If Keanu isn't starring in this, then they might as well not even bother.Wait, isn't Michael B. Jordan supposed to be the lead still? Or has he been shitcanned for Keanu?
The only real part of #2 & #3 I remember is them playing live-action Galaga when the swarm of machines invade Zion.There were some really cool parts in both the sequels. But they just didn't live up to the first, weren't coherent as a storyline, and the ending was basically DBZ with a sad trombone at the end.
did ya'll forget that after the abominations of
Matrix 2
Matrix 3,
they didn't stop and continued with
Cloud Atlas
Jupiter Ascending
These tranny brothers (how the fuck do you have sibling trannies? wtf kind of odds are that?) are one hit wonders.
The style, art and feel of the movie.(green tint for example). I
i had one too, i really didnt need more than that back then. i thought i was balling when i could call anywhere in the country for free on nights and weekendsidk why this ugly ass phone was all the rage
i had a startac w/ extended battery like a regular person.
yeah i really liked a lot of the action sequences in the second one, the Merovingian was over the top funny, and it was great to see monica bellucci