I'm not saying they weren't all really good and some amazing. My problem was him saying movies we couldn't have hoped for 20 years ago and that's ludicrous. Only the first 5 would I put near either Matrix or LotR and I think every last one of them could have been made twenty years ago.
For me personally, I want my movies to try to emulate the book as much as possible. I want the best actor not the preferred skin color. I want to be transported into an alternate world during those 2ish hours not get woke trash slammed in my face at every point. That destroys the story. You can't focus on a story when the entire theme being pushed is woke with a dabbling into the main story.
It would be like a company advertising a new Sherlock Holmes film and they some great scenes in the preview. You get in the movie and 90% of the movie is gratuitous homosexual sex scenes and the rest is how he met his lover Watson. That's not what I came for. I didn't come to watch woke garbage, I came to watch a story, see some action, see horrible monsters, watch people get murdered, etc. That would be like a movie advertising how King Arthur and his 100% black Round Table tried to defend 'Camelot' from evil white hordes and their fall started the Dark Ages. Just give me a damn good King Arthur movie please? Just give a mystery for Holmes to solve, PLEASE? This is the type of shit they are selling today and personally, I want none of it. If Abu or Derjhonny is the best actor? Fine, then show me a good movie and quit with the extra narrative.