honestly i thought the same thing. i figured the story would be woke trash but it would at least be visually compelling. say what you will about matrix 2 and 3, they still had good visuals and interesting fight scenes, but i was struggling to stay awake for this entire movie.I thought this would be visually nice but its just generic, anything interesting/good visually was all in the trailer
Do I have to keep using in Spoiler tags? Since I am out of step on this AND Witcher. I need to read/watch more reviews trashing this; I don't get the hate. I mean, the Matrix is one of my favorite films of all time. Two and Three were huge letdowns at the time but I have softened a little bit over the years, in that I kind of hold them separate. Grace Randolph's review is typically Grace. I mean I don't care, normally I am harsher than most but I don't get the dismissal here. I guess it thought that by putting a pin in the soft reboot and making that part of the narrative of the movie itself ("If we don't do it, Warner Bros. will get someone else to do it") its just too self-referential/meta for audiences and people are rejecting that outright? This was, without a doubt, almost completely a TFA soft reboot hiding as a 4th film. No one cared when it was TFA but people sure as fuck are bombing this movie for it. It's just nice enough to tell you throughout the flight what it is.American Inventor I know you are a pure fucking retard you prove it everytime you fucking post, but in the intro scene you halfwit dogfucker Nu-Morpheous before we know it was literally Agents Smiths role in the goddamn movie. Maybe lay off the fucking dogjizz and sniffing Coke off dudes cocks faggot and you will retain some basic cognitive function.
I enjoyed the first 2/3's of the movie. It was an interesting idea and worth the watch. It fell pretty damn hard at the end. Why would they change the world? Didn't Agent Smith state that the very first Matrix gave humans everything they wanted? Then, it failed. I was not a big fan of Neil Patrick Harris's character. Just felt off later in the movie. Did a double take at Christina Ricci being in this movie.
It was worth the watch but I did miss Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving.
Really...the final song, but sung by a woman.
Chad was Trinity’s husband.Did you miss the fact that Agent Smith was replaced by a white guy literally referred to as "Chad" ?!
I enjoyed the first 2/3's of the movie. It was an interesting idea and worth the watch. It fell pretty damn hard at the end. Why would they change the world? Didn't Agent Smith state that the very first Matrix gave humans everything they wanted? Then, it failed. I was not a big fan of Neil Patrick Harris's character. Just felt off later in the movie. Did a double take at Christina Ricci being in this movie.
It was worth the watch but I did miss Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving.
Really...the final song, but sung by a woman.
Chad was Trinity’s husband.
Second one.Cringe as in so bad its funny or just so bad its not even funny?
They didn't say what kind of changes they were going to make, just "show what a free mind could do", they know enough to avoid causing more scarcity again, etc. Remember, this is pretty close to a shot for shot or a scene for scene remake, so this is the analogue to Neo's call to the Architect at the end of the first Matrix. There was nothing to indicate the conflict with the Analyst was over, tons of loose threads remained, deliberately placed in order to have something to do in the (hoped for by some) 5th movie, which I think everyone sensible would pray to not be a TFA-style soft reboot nor a member-berries nostalgia ride at WB-World.Second one.
There's a bunch of fucking "humor" I'm sure Lana thought was cleverly self aware or something that just constantly referenced the absurdity of this movie's existence in the first quarter, such as Neo existing in the Matrix now as a video game designer that released a trilogy of best selling games that are straight up the first three movies. Evil Warner Bros. wants money and is forcing him to make a 4th. It's IRONIC because in reality it's Ms. MA'AM that wanted to make the movie! Get it???
The Merovingian makes a return that is 110% lame, just making some half-assed "hello fellow children" bitching about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook.
The ending makes no sense, considering it suggests Neo and Mrs. Neo are going to make the Matrix a better, happier, rainbow filled place, despite the fact that we know that doesn't work and humans will reject it. If they are only being sarcastic, then it ignores the primary cause for this movie's plot: the opt-out version of the Matrix resulted in a power scarcity for the machines, and the subsequent middle finger to the truce. I guess there's the difference that Neo and Trinity are both alive, but damn I guess I just don't care when you consider how little they explore the ramifications of that beyond RAINBOWS.
I'm just slightly drunk right now, so hopefully that makes sense.