Did this movie even need side characters? I don't remember one fucking name or even the ships name from this movie. If one of them died I wouldn't even give a fuck.
Leaving out two of the most important characters is mind bottling....especicailly considering how absolutely bad the replacements are. I shut it off the moment the cringlingly bad new guy said MISKER AMMERSION...like wtf.Good lord, couple of you are on some serious fucking copium. Even when 2 & 3 were at their worse, the cinematography always carried, fights were original and had weight. This pile of garbage was amateur hour in nearly every way. Trying to cover up the shit writing with all the meta jokes fell completely flat. As others have said, Hugo's absence was definitely felt.
Makes a lot more sense now why the second half of the freak show wanted nothing to do with it.
"Unlike the first two sequels, no second unit was used for any of the action sequences, as Lana Wachowski directed all the scenes herself." ORLY - couldn't tell!
Maybe, but casting on places like IMDB only lists him as Smith whereas they list Neo and Trinity as Thomas/Neo etc. Oddly enough I didn’t see a casting entry for her husband.
I think this shows the Waxhowski bros arent trans but just mentally ill shit lords that like attention and dominatrix shit. They live as women as the ultimate slaves sub behavior but deep down are still incel beckbeard based fags from the 90s
One thing that really bothered me early on in the movie was the flashback stuff. It felt like it was for the audience, as if we wouldn't get the references, rather than Neo. And then they kept going back to that well over... and over... and over... and then again... and again... it felt like the kind of cutting we'd see in a behind the scenes discussion about those scenes being reconstructed for the new movie, instead of something we should have seen in real time. I felt we were kind of robbed of being able to identify the reconstructions ourselves as we dealt with our own realizations of deja vu watching the movie, with occasional elements bleeding through like the mouth closing gag. Instead it was a ham-fisted nostalgia overdose.
I was trying to rationalize it was they were doing it for people who hadn't seen the first movie... but now I realize it was probably even more confusing for them. If it was done with any nuance at all any layperson could have bought into things not being right, and him going through a break of some kind without the flashbacks, and preserving that deja vu for everyone else without shoving it down our throat.
Maybe, but casting on places like IMDB only lists him as Smith whereas they list Neo and Trinity as Thomas/Neo etc. Oddly enough I didn’t see a casting entry for her husband.
They even had a mission or two where they took like 7 people with them it seemed like... was one of those 'well you extra people are dead' moments.
I found myself zoning out at multiple points of this turd. Hell, this put my wife to sleep. The only thing I remember is Trinity’s husband being named Chad. Apart from this single name, I don’t remember anyone else. Nothing is memorable. I bet they were dying laughing while writing this script. This movie is pure and utter shitEdit: I skipped through all of Smiths scenes and couldn't find him saying "Chad" - googling didn't help because one of the crew is called Chad IRL, but apparently Trinitys husband is called Chad. I stopped paying the film full attention fairly early on, so that's my excuse!!
It sounds like the script was an inside joke between Lana and her friends while they smoked a joint and laughed the night away with shrill cackles at all the consoomers that were going to be excited to lap up the excrement. There were self-conscious 4th wall breaking aspects of this movie that indicate that to be the intent. The Chad thing and other audience interactions.
We know why Hugo Weaving pulled out.
I watched matrix 1 and loved it. Hated 2 so much I never watched the 3rd but I read about what happens. Watched this cause Keanu and free HBO Max. Wife quit halfway through.
The only parts I liked was the beginning when he was going nuts/white rabbit song. The zombies jumping from the buildings in suicide attacks was funny. Other than that it was boring, unnecessary, and the visuals were way worse than I was expecting. Wife asked if it was a series and not a movie about 20 minutes in because it looked so budget.
What a turd, but pretty much what I expected.
Sacrifices must be made in wars.The Wachowskis ar kind of like M. Night Shamalong in that they happened to make one good movie and then everything they made after was just pure garbage. The original Matrix was so goddamn good that it carried their entire fucking careers just like M. Night Dingalong made one decent film and then shit out garbage for the rest of his career. The only other movie these dick choppers were involved in that you can claim wasn't pure dogshit was V for Vendetta.
Anyways one thing I always found amusing/interesting about the Matrix movie and even more so in the recent one since they had no problem just ass blasting people through windows turning them into bombs. Was you know these people are trying to free people from the Matrix and they are the "good guys" but they have no problem just killing every random person they come across.
It's one thing to kill Agents but just think about how many times they kill random police officers and if you die in the Matrix you die in real life. So Steve the security guard at building X is just doing his daily routine he's two days away from retirement and too old for this shit. Just gets murdered in cold blood by the fucking one, I guess fuck Steve there is no freeing him from the system.
Sacrifices must be made in wars.
I mean his side just sacrificed thousands of them by turning them into kamikazes jumping out of buildings at the same time as traumatizing the loved ones who watched them do it. Dixkchoppers bad guys did way more war sacrifices than the good guys.That's pretty based and redpilled. I'm not sure the dick chopper would agree.