Yes, but you support a dietary lifestyle that encourages the excessive use of fossil fuels in order to foster agriculture in regions better suited to grazing.
Yes, but you support a dietary lifestyle that encourages the excessive use of fossil fuels in order to foster agriculture in regions better suited to grazing.
If they aren't a vegan and eating a well balanced diet? Yes.
Chicken eaters are morally superior, got it.
I know once I watched COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret (tm), I was forced by my revulsion at the agriculture-industrial complexes crimes again cattlekind to become a hard core vegan, and also I'm full paleo.
So my daily meal regime includes five small (300 kcal or less) meals of acorn nuts and dry wheat grass smoothies, plus a cheat meal of soy and quinoa on Saturdays.
Thanks to all the people involved in COWSPIRACY for opening my eyes to the evils of the industrial meat industry!
Excuse me, sir, but nothing is more sustainable for the environment than acorn nuts and wheat grass smoothies.
Kindly check yourself before you wreck yourself, sir.
Holy fuck. Does your corruption know no bounds?!卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐
Pretty much everyone should take a multivitamin, just saying.
This is not how fucking carbon greenhouse additions work, god damn. The sources cows turn into atmospheric carbon are part of the carbon cycle. The entire issue behind anthropomorphic climate change is adding sequestered sources that were outside of our evolutionary period to the cycle, shifting the climate from the one we've adapted to.
Cows eating grass, then the grass regrowing using CO2 (Or methan converted in the troposphere or soil into CO2) is not "adding" anything to the cycle unless you're removing forest for gazing land, which we don't (And most places don't except for SA, but that's only after the land is destroyed for farming). It's the shit we pull out of the ground that causes the change.