My dick is required in your ass.
Salt detected.
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My dick is required in your ass.
No sound data to support your claim. Okay then. What's next since you cant shift goalposts or link anymore blogs?My dick is required in your ass.
That's some pretty big butthurt right there, you monstrous faggot.
All our viewpoints are supported by actual data. Yours are supported by feels abd blogs, ergo you are a faggotExcept I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
I don't eat meat or dairy. You can; I really don't care. You can also deny the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and the negative impact on human health.
I don't really care what you believe and we're obviously not going to convince each other to change.
At this point the thread has become "fight me".
All our viewpoints are supported by actual data. Yours are supported by feels abd blogs, ergo you are a faggot
"I'm not telling you you're wrong and immoral and need to change, I'm just saying that people who do the things you do are wrong and immoral and need to change"
Ah and now comes the final breaking point, the accusations of a circle jerk.
Sir, if your opinion was that the Earth was flat or Hollow, or that the Sun revolved around the Earth, would our response be a circle jerk as well when we all laugh at you for being so completely, totally, demonstrably fucking wrong based on the facts presented?
What? You are refuting evidence with blogs and goalposts shifting...You and ZyyzYzzy are clearly circle-jerking. Also, false equivalency.
Does the truth matter, Nevergone?
Do facts matter, or are we only supposed to believe things that make you feel cuddly and cute?
Which facts are you referring to?
Ah, no, not a false equivalency at all. Vegan moralism is no different from religious Creationism. Both are dogmatic religions concerned only with feeling morally superior to others based on false and unsupportable pseudo scientific claims.
They are the exact same thing, and there is no circle jerk. That's not the sound of a circle jerk, that's the sound of reality agreeing with us, not you.