Headhunters is definitely worth watching.
God Bless America could have been SOOOO much more fun.
Tucker and Dale is good fun, but I think it would have been even better if we weren't in on the joke right from the get go.
Would have been more fun to spend a half hour strictly from the dumb college kids' perspective before a reveal -- after that it would have been double the fun.
Why is everyone so down on Red State? It's B-grade, sure, but I thought it was pretty fun stuff.
Slither is on Netflix now. That's a big no-brainer. Like special-effects, sci-fi horror like Carpenter's The Thing? Then you've probably already seen Slither. If you have, you loved it. If you didn't, fuck you. If you've never seen it, you know what to do tonight.
Battle Royale is not one of my favs, but, hey, Tarentino loves it and so do a lot of people, so there's that. I thought it was decent.
Timecrimes is a great foreign indie. Time-loop stuff, really fun, just gets better every step of the way.
Finally, I've got to mention one that I think is just incredibly underrated -- not that's it's a GREAT movie, but it's consistently rated as a BAD movie. It's not, though. It's a fucking damn good thriller, and the reason people underrate it is because they think it's supposed to be a horror film, and it's not at all. It's a supernatural thriller: Skeleton Key. I highly recommend it. It's got a bad name it sure as fuck doesn't deserve. Watch it PLEASE then come let me know if you agree. Very good acting, decent directing, and a SUPERB plot that WILL surprise you. That's really what puts Skeleton Key over the top when it comes to the supernatural thriller genre -- its tightly-woven plot. Watch it twice and you'll have plenty of "ah ha!" moments like you do with The Sixth Sense (also a supernatural thriller).