Yeah, its aimed at adults. Quite clearly. Its inappropriate for kids because they dont have the context to understand the jokes. Because the jokes are aimed at adults. I mean, Netflix gave it an appropriate rating, I've seen no indication that it is being marketed to kids, so I'm not sure what you are basing your opinion on. Not liking that kind of humor is one thing, whatever, but calling it "degeneracy programming " is some shit I'd expect to see breathlessly exclaimed by clueless olds on the 700 club or something.
Theres some cool social stuff in the show, showing different perspectives on the same events, the shame surrounding everyday sexual activities or feelings. Theres some over the top stuff as well, I'm kind of over the pillow fucking stuff. But it's a funny show, has some of the best living comedians writing and doing voices for it, shows an interesting variety of influences and perspectives which is interesting when talking about a topic like puberty and growing up.