I lost it when he said that. Don is the man."What I have cant be taught" rofl they really turned it around for Don this season.
She didn't and she made a point (aha!) of asking Will if he was doing it deliberately and his response was "No but it's working out wonderfully!"Is it me or did Sloan not get to explain her point.
This was a really nice moment of comic relief for me after following up Breaking Bad with this episode of The Newsroom."What I have cant be taught" rofl they really turned it around for Don this season.
That seems to be a slightly false dichotomy. Let me know when the extremes of the democratic party, which would really be the green party, appreciably dictate policy. The two party system offers varying shades of grey. [Mildly amusing to contemplate]Both are ruled by their extreme sides currently and that is one of the many reasons nothing gets done.
Nixon. Dole. Romney. Obama. Healthcare is hardly a democratic ideal. I would question your desire to avoid a debate in this thread by posting an easily debatable, and equivocally trolling, statement. Your example regarding a fringe left-wing plan is about as centrist as you can be as it satisfies neither extreme.did you miss the 2010 "We have to pass the bill to see what's in the bill" statement that has led to thetrain wreck[lewl] of Obamacare by the extreme democrats in power at the time?
Will/Mac have absolutely no onscreen chemistry when they're not mad at each other.I loved the little spiel at the end with McAvoy defending his party affiliation. I've had the same thoughts several times about why I'm not a republican. Components of the platform are attractive, but all the moralist fearmongering that goes with it is ridiculous.
The Don/Sloan thing was pretty win. I'm probably a terrible judge of acting skill, but I think Munn is doing alright.
...Just a quick bit that made me wonder what the fuck...
Mississippi is MS, it's not abbreviated Miss. When talking politics. It's motherfucking MS, just like Cal is CA, Michigan is MI, Texas is TX, etc. it isn't abbreviated to 4 letters when every other state is abbreviated to 2, what the fu k.