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Given your lack of knowledge and ability to make shit up on the subject you probably should not debate it in in the political thread either.I do not see your point Binkles.
The extreme left Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi, made that statement about Obamacare. They did not want people to know how screwed up the bill was/is and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It is still a massive train wreck. The unions who supported it in 2010 are scrambling to get waivers from it now as they see the unintended consequences of it that "may" destroy their unions. (The end of the 40 hour work week, exchanges being cheaper options then union healthcare, employers preferring to either cut hours or take the penalty vs providing healthcare, etc) The extreme left pushed this upon the Democratic party. And I agree it is a horrible form of healthcare. A better left leaning one would be preferred.
My point being I would not like to debated it in THIS FORUM, not that I am not open to debate it in the political forum. Anyway hopefully this is the last post not about the show I will have to make here.
Let's hope for many more seasons to come.
Just kidding you'll fit right in.