Mr. Poopybutthole
- 5,538
- 791
Economics is in the school of liberal arts, I got a bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance. Economists get too loosey goosey about things no one cares about. I'd rather learn about how to exploit this system to my advantage, than to sit around whining about this or that. A lot of it is nothing but pretentious intellectual masturbation. Maybe the first bit of advanced coursework is good, but my stuff in my Senior year made me walk. I kept asking myself what real world applications it had, and couldn't answer.And what's the first rule of finance? Mathematics + $$$ = finance.
If economics isn't science, then finance isn't either. It's the study of a thing made up by humans, money, that doesn't exist in nature or reality outside those humans. So you're studying and modeling the mathematical rules and processes based on time/risk of something that was made up to begin with: valuation and management of valuation due to ... money.
Who cares?