I think we all know that socialized bootstraps are the only kind of government we need.So we can't have single payer because scale and a good educational system due to scale, seems the only thing that scales well according to republicans is military.
Scale, it's all about scale! For some reason once you hit some imaginary number it no longer becomes possible, I just wish they would tell us what number of people it would still be possible for. Those Nordic countries better not breed to much, their whole way of life will collapse.Finnish students are assigned less homework, take less tests, spend less time in the classroom, and outperform our students. Oh, Finland also spends less per student than we do.
We're too big to use their system guys. Because reasons.
The scale just fucks us apparently, I hate the scale.In America we pay by the page, because we are a free market society. And not some faggy soshualist hellhole.
?Sounds like one of those completely unknowable things. Like the tides. Can't explain it, just have to accept it.
Goal post are the only thing not affected by scale.Anyone remember when the opposing arguments were just a stubborn "nope, the US system is better"? Now it's "we're only worse because we're so big." That's progress, right?
How far can we get these goal posts to move!