Typical Gibson sound, congrats for your purchase ! What amp / preamp setup you're using ? Maybe (just an opinion there) it'd beneficiate more with treble mic setup, some of your chords tend to overrule with the bass line.No, it's all good. That's the sort of feedback I want. I meant to put a thanks in that prior post but I got distracted. So, thanks!
Stop being a pussy and start shredding and I'll comment on them. 200BPM or GTFO.Way to not even comment on my clip, you jerks.
It's funny because even though you're using a stock app, Gibson sound is still recognizable (dat sustain and grain). I'm more of a Fender person but would be funny to plug your guitar on some decent amp to see how it really shines. Back in the day when I played music I had a Japanese Fender Thinline Telecaster with them humbuckers and I always find bass mic setup quite good, almost like them Les Paul but not quite the sound grain wise. Fuck you, now I want to buy another guitarI did that through Amplitube, it's just me over a backing track using one of their amp models. My actual amp is a Peavey Delta Blues that sounds really good, but I don't have a good way to mic it up yet.
Sorry, I'm stopping at 199 BPM. Forever.Stop being a pussy and start shredding and I'll comment on them. 200BPM or GTFO.
What most people don't get nowadays. Guitar quality is a major bottleneck. Whatever topline effects / preamps / DSPs you'll use, you'll never get "your" sound until you find the right guitar.Getting down to one really solid guitar was absolutely the right choice.
To play devil's advocate, a shitty recording chain will make a great guitar sound like shit as well.What most people don't get nowadays. Guitar quality is a major bottleneck. Whatever topline effects / preamps / DSPs you'll use, you'll never get "your" sound until you find the right guitar.
I had one for a while. For that price range, there's nothing out there that even comes close to it. It's a decent setup, extremely tweak-able, but it's achilles heel is that you can't upload your own cab impulses to it, and the stock impulses are absolutely fucking horrible. You can definitely get decent/passable metal tone out of it, but if you're planning to record with it your best bet is to disable the Pod's impulses and use an aftermarket impulse in the DAW.Anyone in here have any experience with the POD HD Pro? I'm looking for something to do some home recording with in an apartment and this thing has caught my eye. I know it's not the same as an Axe Fx, but I don't really feel like dropping that money at the moment - however I could probably swing the POD. Anyone used one? For metal?
I'd say it's right up your alley, since you don't go for the high gain stuff. It has shitloads of IO and a dedicated dry output, and is fairly simple to use. Plus, they tend to hold their resale value fairly well so if you end up hating it you'll be able to shift it onward for not much of a loss.Get one and test it out for us.
I'd be interested in something like that for recording, since I don't really think I'm going to be very effects heavy once I play live. It'd be a toy for at home.
Thanks, exactly the type of review I was looking for. I definitely wasn't going by Ola's video for exactly the reasons you said.. he did a 14 amp shootout and they all sounded amazing. I will read this over, thanks!I had one for a while. For that price range, there's nothing out there that even comes close to it. It's a decent setup, extremely tweak-able, but it's achilles heel is that you can't upload your own cab impulses to it, and the stock impulses are absolutely fucking horrible. You can definitely get decent/passable metal tone out of it, but if you're planning to record with it your best bet is to disable the Pod's impulses and use an aftermarket impulse in the DAW.
It would be 100x better with good impulses, but as it is it really takes some noodling to get a solid metal rhythm tone out of it. I wouldn't go by Ola's video - he's a BEAST of a player and producer, and he can make anything sound good. I wrote kind of a dissertation on it when I had it - just ignore the Axe-Fx comparison.
Axe-Fx II vs Pod HD Pro: From Someone Who Has Owned Both (Long)
Short version: It's great for the ~$500 range and you can do a bunch of great shit with it, but to get the most out of it that unit really, really needs aftermarket cab impulses. This video is boring as fuck, but here's me wanking over a backing track with one of the lead models.
I have a pair of Axe-Fx IIs these days (I'm friends with the FAS guys, which helps) but all in all the HD Pro isn't bad at all. The only competition for it in that price range is the Eleven Rack, and IMO the Pod is a much better piece of gear.