Potato del Grande
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Thanks, please upload the rest as you get them!
First observation is why does it have 3 writers and 3 story producers? I can perhaps understand story producers to organise footage and events out of chronological order to focus each episode on specific phenomenon with an entertaining pace. Who is saying the things the writers wrote? Does the limited narration take 3 people to write?
Second observation is why this is seemingly only shot over a few days? Surely you want long term obersations. For example I want to know how many nights a year those lights over the ridge appear and multiple camera angles to find the point of origin. "The ranch is more active when new people arrive" seem a like an excuse for a lack of long term data and makes me think it's staged for investigators.
Third observation is that "you can't dig" and "my head hurts, take me to hospital" are red flags that it's being staged, especially when all those guys are always present. They aren't letting the scientist investigate alone or with his own team. I don't know if it's because they buried magnets everywhere to confuse signals or that they don't want every inch of the property combed, the breifcase magnet made no sense why it was such a big deal either and was very suspicious.
It very much seems like a whistle stop tour of weird things they are able to stage with little further investigation of each phenomenon. Take air samples at the cave, have cameras pointing at the ridge every night from every direction, have infrared pointing at your cattle at all times, send up more balloons and fucking watch them with a camera/telescope. It's very frustrating.
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